7 GENERAL MEETING 1386, 12TH JUNE 1994 A pleasant day was spent recording the flora and fauna of the Old Water Works Site at Sandford Mill near Chelmsford on Sunday 12th June 1994. The recorders were Tim Pyner (Higher Plants and Bryophytes), John Bath (Birds), Alistair Wardle (Fish), Martin Gregory (Fungi and Insects) and Tony Boniface (Higher Plants). The weather was hot and sunny. The site provided good areas for observing fish from above, waterside habitats, grassland and some dried-up, overgrown lagoons, which were relics of the former use of the site. A wide range of species was observed . The rarest flowering plant was the Birdsfoot Fenugreek (Trifolium ornithopodioides) in the small field separated from the main site. One hundred and fiftysix species of higher plants, eleven species of mosses, one species of liverwort, twentyeight species of birds, ten species of fish, four species of insect and six species of fungi were recorded. Three of the insects were gall forming species and five of the fungi were rusts. Tony Boniface Fish species observed in the Great tit River Chelmer (TL739060) Heron House sparrow Anguilla anguilla (Eel) Jay Abramis brama (Common Bream) Kestrel Gobio gobio (Gudgeon) Magpie Leuciscus cephalus (Chub) Mallard Leuciscus leuciscus (Dace) Pied wagtail Phoxinus phoxinus (Minnow) Sedge warbler Rutilus rutilus (Roach) Song thrush Esox lucius (Pike) Starling Swallow Fish species observed in the Swift Meadgate Brook (TL737060) Turtle dove Willow warbler Noemacheilus barbatulus (Stone Wood pigeon Loach) Wren Melampsora epitea (rust on Salix sepulcralis) Phragmidium violaceum (rust on Rubus fruticosus) Puccinia punctiformis (rust which smells of honey found on Cirsium arvense) Marasmius oreades (Fairy ring mushroom) Bryophytes (Mosses) Bryum argenteum Brachythecium rutabulum Dicranella varia * Hypnum cupressiforme Leptobryum pyriforme * Grimmia pulvinata Fontinalis antipyretica + Tortula muralis Tortida intermedia Tortula latifolia + Cratoneuron filicinum Bryophytes (Liverworts) Aneura pinguis * * Found in lime-rich areas. + Found on the weir. Leuciscus cephalus (Chub) Gasterosteus aculeatus (Three- spined Stickleback) Birds Blackbird Blackcap Carrion crow Chaffinch Collared dove Common tern Common Whitethroat Coot Cormorant Cuckoo Dunnock Insects Adalia 2-punctata (2 spot ladybird) Dasyneura urticae ("Nettle gnat". Gall midge on Urtica dioica) Andricus kollari (Oak marble gall, gall wasp on Quercus robur) Potania proxima ("Bean gall", gall sawfly on Salix alba var caerulea) Fungi Puccinia malvacearum (Hollyhock rust on Malva sylvestris) Puccinia caricina (Gooseberry rust on Urtica dioica)