8 THE FOUR SEASONS RECORDING PROJECT The Backwarden Reserve TL782039 Danbury Common TL782045 At the time of publication three of the four meetings have been held. April 24th 1994 Aquatic invertebrates in the Backwarden Reserve Deep Pools Notonecta glauca (Greater water boatman) Cloeon dipterum (Mayfly nymph) Dytiscus marginalis (Great diving beetle) Aeshna cyanea (Southern hawker dragonfly nymph) Asellus aquaticus (Freshwater hoglouse) Family Chaeoboridae Chaeoborus sp. (Phantom larvae and pupae) Sphagnum Bog Pond Acilius sulcatus (a water beetle) Planorbis corneus (Great ramshom snail) Daphnia pulex (waterflea) Family Chaeoboridae Chaeoborus sp. (Phantom larvae and pupae) Invertebrates were collected and identified by Tony Boniface. The range of species was disappointing. Reptiles and Amphibians in the Backwarden Reserve These were recorded by David Scott The sunny morning encouraged the Adders to show themselves, and six were seen in the Relic Heath and Heather Valley areas, with one Grass snake at the latter location. No Common lizards were seen, but are known to occur on the reserve, as are Slow worms occasionally. The warden Mr Peter Nightingale reported an increase in Adder, Grass snake and Common lizard populations over the last three years. This was thought to be a direct result of the heathland conservation project now in operation. On the amphibian scene one Common toad was found under a log in the heath area. Both Common frog and toad are known to breed within the reserve. The Sphagnum Bog Pool produced one female Smooth newt with a male of the same species in the Deep Pool. This deeper water also had Great crested newts and one pair was recorded, a "first" for this reserve for this protected species. No Palmate newts were seen but they could well occur as they are often found in gravel ponds. David Scott