10 Spergularia rubra Sand Spurrey Stellaria holostea Greater Stitchwort Tamus communis Black bryony Teucrium scorodonia Wood sage Typha latifolia Great reedmace Ulex europaeus Gorse Urtica dioica Stinging nettle Veronica beccabunga Brooklime Viburnum opulus Guelder-rose Additional records 8th August 1994 Juncus effusus Soft rush Melanpyrum pratense Common cow-wheat Rumex sanguineus Wood dock Torilis japonica Upright hedge-parsley The fungi were also recorded by Tony Boniface Boletus versicolor Psathyrella candolleana Marasmiellus ramealis Trametes versicolor Stereum hirsutum The birds were recorded by Judith Boniface Additional records 8th August 1994 Laccaria laccata Scleroderma areolatum The butterflies were recorded by Judith Boniface Linnet Woodpigeon Magpie Green woodpecker Blue tit Great tit Long-tailed tit Blackbird Greenfinch Robin Wren House sparrow Small copper Speckled wood Peacock Gatekeeper Common blue Meadow brown October 2nd 1994 Mammal Trapping in the Backwarden Reserve Longworth flaps were set by John Dobson and Tony Boniface. A large population of Woodmice was located and one dead Common shrew. No Yellow necked mice, voles or pygmy shrews were found. The nest boxes were examined for dormice but none of them contained these small mammals. Fungi on Danbury Common In the afternoon fungi were collected and identified by Martin Gregory and Tony Boniface. Boletus badius Boletus subtomentosus Boletus chrysenteron Boletus edulis