12 Some more records for the Backwarden and Danbury Common I was unable to attend the Field Club meetings but visits to the Backwarden Reserve on 12th August 1993 and 20th August 1994 enabled me to record a number of hymenoptera (bees and wasps) and several species of fly. Of particular interest were two bees Andrena fuscipes and Colletes succinctus. Both species have a close association with heathland since the females gather pollen from heather. I recorded the Andrena herein 1993, but could not find C. succinctus (it was a rather windy day), so it was particularly nice to find both species this year. The two bees are inevitably rare in the county, but I have also recorded A. fuscipes from Tipttee Heath, Thundersley Great Common and the remnant heather area at Thorndon Park (outside the Country Park) and C. succinctus from Tiptree Heath and Thundersley Great Common. Surprisingly several visits to Sunshine Plain in Epping Forest have failed to turn up either species. The heather at the Backwarden is also home to some important Essex populations of heathland spiders such as Mangora acalypha, a very common species in parts of southern England but with only 3 known sites in Essex; the Backwarden, Tiptree Heath and Thrift Wood between Woodham Walter and Woodham Mortimer. I have failed to find this species in Epping Forest. Records for the Backwarden Reserve Hymenoptera (Bees and wasps) Ants Myrmica rubra Myrmica ruginodis Myrmica scabrinodis Lasius niger Sphecid wasps Symmorphus bifasciatus Ectemnius continuus Bees Colletes succinctus Andrena fuscipes Lasioglossum calceatum Lasioglossum laevigatus Lasioglossum leucozonium Lasioglossum malachurus Lasioglossum morio Halictus tumulorum Sphecodes ephippius Megachile willughbiella Bombus lucorum Bombus lapidarius Bombus pascuorum Diptera (Flies) Conops flavipes Conops quadrifasciatus Eumenes tuberculatus Orthoptera (Grasshoppers and crickets) Chorthippus brunneus Chorthippus parallelus Leptophyes punctatissima Meconema thalassinum Arachnida (Spiders) Dictyna arundinacea Dictyna latens Clubiona terrestris Misumena vatia Xysticus cristatus Philodromus cespitum Evarcha falcata Pardosa amentata Pardosa lugubris Pardosa nigriceps Pardosa pullata Alopecosa pulverulenta Trochosa terricola Pirata latitans Pirata piraticus Theridion simile Theridion sisyphium Theridion varians Enoplognatha ovata Araneus quadratus Mangora acalypha Hylyphantes graminicola Pocadicnemis juncea Oedothorax retusus Erigone atra Bathyphantes gracilis Lepthyphantes ericaeus Lepthyphantes flavipes Lepthyphantes tenuis Linyphia triangularis