17 WHATS ON: ESSEX FIELD CLUB DECEMBER Saturday 3rd Botany Group. "Essex Flora Project". Planning meeting, and botanical highlights of the year. Bring slides and exhibits. 2.30 pm, at the Boniface's house, 40 Pentland Avenue, Chelmsford. Organiser - Ken Adams. Phone:081-508 7863 (If directions required phone: 0245 266316). Monday 26th General Meeting 1391. Boxing day ramble. Four miles, Danbury Country Park and Lingwood Common. Meet car park TL 770047 at 11.00 am. Leaders John and Maureen Tollfree. Phone: 0708 742206 JANUARY Saturday 14th General Meeting 1392. The four seasons recording project. Danbury Common. Winter wildlife. Meet Danbury Common car park TL 782045 at 10.30 am. Phone Tony Boniface: 0245 266316 if attending. Saturday 21st Mammal Group. "Batting for Essex" Talk by John Dobsonat 3.00 pm. Red Cross Hall, London Road, Chelmsford (car park enhance in Writtle Road). Sunday 22nd Bird Group. Abberton reservoir for wintering birds. Meet at visitor centre car park TL 963185 at 10.30 am. Leader John Bath. Phone: 0277 651890 for details. FEBRUARY Sunday 12th General Meeting 1393. Birds at Fishers Green and Rye House Marsh. Meet at Fishers Green car park TL 376032 at 10.00 am or Rye House Marsh RSPB reserve TL 387099 at 2.00 pm. Leader John Bath. Phone 0277 651890 for details. MARCH Sunday 5th Bird Group. Wrabness for waders and woodland birds. Meet Railway Station carpark TM 181316 at 10.30 am. Leader John Bath. Phone: 0277 651890 for details. Saturday 18th Annual General Meeting. 115 Red Cross Hall, London Road, Chelmsford (car park entrance in Writtle Road) at 3.00 pm followed by presidential address "Changes in the flora of Essex 1974-1994 for better or worse?"