THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB HEADQUARTERS: THE PASSMORE ED WARDS MUSE UM, ROMFORD ROAD, STRATFORD, LONDON, E15 4LZ NEWSLETTER NO. 13 March 1995 THE THAMES GATEWAY - THE EAST THAMES CORRIDOR I am grateful to Ken Hill in bringing to my notice the Thames Gateway Planning Framework Consultation Draft. This sets out a framework for a sustained programme of regeneration and development in the East Thames Corridor, extending from Docklands in London to Tilbury in Essex and the Isle of Sheppey in Kent. The intention seems to be to encourage major development of this area, "an area of opportunity which is at the threshold of Europe's largest city and the expanding continental marketplace." This does not bode well for the remaining sites of wildlife importance in the area. The Thames grazing marshes have long been recognised as of national importance for many plants, birds and invertebrates and there is increasing evidence that south Essex contains other sites of great importance for wildlife eg on terrace gravels and chalk. Many areas of importance for nature conservation in South Essex and North Kent are therefore encompassed by this report which only recognises those designated as SSSIs (Sites of Special Scientific Interest) or SPAs (Special Protection Areas) and although the document advises a new approach of greater care for the environment, nature conservation seems to be only a small part of this consideration. The various development opportunities mapped out give little cause for optimism on the future of existing SSSIs such as Erith, Crayford and Dartford Marshes whose existence does not even seem to be recognised. There is little or no guidance concerning the conservation of sites of important wildlife value and what little is provided does not provide much comfort eg on the Thames and Medway Estuary Marshes, the report states "Other than at the already developed waterfront, proposals which do not support the long term conservation of the marshes will require special justification." In other words if the development is big enough the nature conservation interests will be overturned. The document is available free of charge from the Thames Gateway Taskforce, C14/19, Department of the Environment, 2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 3EB. I would urge members to obtain a copy and to respond to David Curry, Minister of State, Department of the Environment, the Sponsor Minister for Thames Gateway whose preface invites response with the statement "An environment is being created in which opportunities can be fulfilled and investment can profit. I shall be veiy interested to hear your views". Peter Harvey