8 surfaces was discovered in the chancel area, as was a section of the medieval church foundations which had not been disturbed by the massive new footings put in by the Victorians during the 1871 rebuilding. A number of early modern burials within the chur ch were also excavated. Post-excavation work has now commenced and will continue through the Winter with a view to publishing Volume 2 of the Group Transactions during the first half of 1995. Our 1995 operations are now being planned but firm decisions have yet to be made as to where the Group will be working this Summer. Roderick Mackley 74 Warren Road, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex SS9 3TS THE FOUR SEASONS RECORDING PROJECT Danbury Common TL782045 The fourth meeting was held on January 14th 1995. The birds were recorded by John Bath and Judith Boniface. Blackbird Magpie Jay Blue tit Great tit Long tailed tit Tree creeper Redpoll Greater spotted woodpecker Green woodpecker Wren Winter twigs were identified with a key. The characteristics of the Rowan Sorbus aucuparia confused the group, looking suspiciously like a willow, but with more than one bud-scale. The Hornbeam Carpinus betulus was also put to the test, but with more success. No new species were found which had not been recorded in the summer. The day was not one for rapid on the spot identifications. Tony Boniface collected fungi, lichens, mosses, liverworts and galls. The successfully identified specimens are listed below: Fungi Exidia thuretiana (a jelly fungus) Coriolus versicolor (Varicoloured bracket fungus)