9 Stereum hirsutum (Yellow Stereum) Piptoporus betulinus (Razor strop fungus) Pseudotrametes gibbosa Pleurotus cornucopiae (Branched oyster mushroom) Lichens Parmelia sulcata Mosses Polytrichum juniperinum Dicranella heteromalla Dicranum scoparium Brachythecium albicans Eurynchium praelongum Hypnum cupressiforme Liverworts Lophocolea heterophylla (a leafy liverwort) Galls Neuroterus quercus-baccarum (Common spangle gall) Andricus kollari (Marble gall) Aceria genistae (Broom gall) The last-mentioned gall is not described in the identification guides but was recognised over the phone by Jerry Bowdrey. It is usually found in parks and gardens. Tony Boniface GREENSTEAD GREEN CHURCHYARD The church was built in 1844-45 upon land given by Joseph Nunn Brewster of Halstead Lodge from his estate. The first burial was in 1846. The churchyard contains many large trees, some of which may have been present before the church was built, although this would make them over 150 years old. They are scattered and marginal in position. The trees were identified and counted: Yew 9 Scots pine 7 Sycamore 11 Lime 18 Oak 8 Holly 17 (mainly marginal) Horse chestnut 1