18 MARCH Sunday 5th Saturday 18th APRIL Sunday 9th Saturday 15th WHATS ON: ESSEX FIELD CLUB Bird Group. Wrabness for waders and woodland birds. Meet Railway Station carpark TM 181316 at 10.30 am. Leader John Bath. Phone 01277 651890 for details. Annual General Meeting 115. Red Cross Hall, London Road, Chelmsford (car park entrance in Writtle Road) at 3.00 pm followed by presidential address "Changes in the flora of Essex 1974-1994 for better or worse?" Botany Group. Black poplar and Toothwort survey. Meet Greenstead Green Church TL 822285, 11.00 am. Leader Ken Adams. Phone 0181- 5087863 for details. Joint Meeting with Colchester N.H.S. Gallic pennycress hunt along the Chelmer. Meet 10.00 am, car park by Langford Cut TL 839085. Saturday 22nd Joint Meeting with Essex Rock and Mineral Society. Fossil, rocks and minerals in Roxwell Gravel Quarry. Meet Roxwell Road entrance at 8.15 am, TL 653086. Leader Gerald Lucy. Phone David Turner 01245 267450 for details. Wed. 26th General Meeting 1394. Belhus Woods Country Park for migrant birds. Meet 10.00 am at car park TQ 565825. Leaders Judith and Tony Boniface. Phone 01245 266316 for details. MAY Saturday 6th Botany Group. Spring fungi in Danbury area. Meet 10.30 am at entrance to Scrubs Wood TL 787057 or meet 2.00 pm at Danbury Church TL 729051. Leader Martin Gregory. Phone 01245 223300 for details. Pond Dipping and Amphibians. Meet Thaxted Guidhall 10.00 am. Leader David Scott. Phone 01245 361475 for details. Bird Group. Danbury Common for Nightingales. Meet 7.00 pm at car park, TL 782045. Leader John Bath. Phone 01277 651890 for details. Sunday 7th Friday 12th General Meeting 1395. Ponds of the Forest Walk. Meet Loughton Saturday 13th Station 10.30 am. All day. Leader Irene Buchan. Phone 0181-5296423 for details. Recording on Galleywood Common. Pond dipping/Botany/Birds/ Sunday 14th Invertebrates. Meet Central Car Park off Margaretting Road at 10.00 am TL 702026. All recorders welcome. Details from Tony Boniface 01245 266316. Botany Group. Woodland plants in Broaks Wood. Meet car park at Saturday 20th 10.30 am, TL790313. Leader Jeremy Ison. Phone 01376 345235 for details.