9 JOINT BRITISH GALL SOCIETY/ESSEX FIELD CLUB VISIT TO STOUR AND COPPERAS WOODS, ESSEX ON 19th AUGUST 1995 A somewhat disappointing turn out of three (including the leader!) did not prevent some useful records from being made in these two woodlands overlokking the Stour Estuary. The morning was spent walking around Stour Wood, a joint Woodland Trust R.S.P.B. reserve. Despite the recent high temperatures and lack of rainfall, which gave the woods an almost autumnal feel, galls were present in good numbers. Although Stour Wood is fairly well recorded for galls we added several new species. A stand of rosebay produced several vacated galls of Mompha nodicolella, a local micromoth. On oak, Andricus testaceipes and A. quercusradicis were recorded for the first time in the wood. In the afternoon we moved on to Copperas Wood, an Essex Wildlife Trust reserve where little, if any, gall recording has been earned out. We again found Mompha nodicolella galls along the edges of the paths, but the final total for this site was lower than that for the morning. STOUR WOOD TM1831, TM 1931 Acer campestre Field Maple Artacris macrorhynchus Chamanerion angustifolium Rosebay Willowherb Dasineura epilobii Mompha nodicolella Glechoma hederacea Ground Ivy Rondaniola bursarius Populus tremula Aspen Dasineura populeti Normandia cavernosa Normandia globuli Harmandia loewi Syndiplosis petioli Prunus spinosa Blackthorn Eriophyes similis Pteridium aquilinum Bracken Chirosia parvicornis Quercus robur Pedunculate Oak Cynipidae Andricus anthracinus Andricus curvator Andricus fecundator Andricus kollari Andricus lignicola Andricus quercuscalicis Andricus quercusradicis Andricus testaceipes Cynips divisa Neuroterus numismalis Neuroterus quercusbaccarum Diptera Macrodiplosis volvens