12 Martin Gregory provided the following records: (A)(B)(C) Moles on evidence of mole hills only. (A)(B)(C) Rabbits on evidence of droppings, scratchings and burrows only. (B) Bank Vole in dried out pond. (B) Grass Snake which lay freshly dead on the side of a track with no obvious cause of death. (I believe this was a new record for the Common). (B) Frogs, presumably Common frogs were seen in a dried out pond. They were all young individuals. Galls on Quercus robur in woodland: (A)(B) Andricus quercuscalicis Knopper gall (agamic: Cynipid) (A)(B) Andricus knollari Marble gall (agamic: Cynipid) (A) Biorhiza pallida Oak apple (sexual: Cynipid) (A) Andricus fecundator Artichoke gall (agamic: Cynipid) (A)(B)(C) Neuroterus quercusbaccarum Common Spangle gall (sexual: Cynipid) Galls on Quercus robur in grassland: (A)(B) Andricus lignicola Cola nut (agamic: Cynipid) Galls on Cirsium arvense in grassland: ? Urophora cardui (gall fly) Galls on Acer pseudoplatanus along a trackside: (B)(C) Eriophyes macrorhynchus (mite) Galls on Cytisus scoparius ? Aceria genistae Broom gall (mite) (B) The only fungus recorded was the sclerotial stage of Claviceps purpurea on the seed head of Festuca arundinacea in grassland. This is ergot. Records were kept in the three following 1 Km grid squares: TL7002 (A) TL7001 (B) TL6902 (C) Separate vascular plant lists were kept by Jeremy Ison. Martin Gregory's records are indicated by the letters (A), (B) and (C) above. The last meeting in the series is to be held on Sunday 22nd October 1995 in which the main organisms to be recorded will be the fungi. (10.00 am at the car park off Margaretting Road TL702026) Tony Boniface