16 Salix caprea Salix cinerea ssp. cinerea Salix cinerea ssp. oleifolia Sambucus nigra Scutellaria minor Senecio jacobaea Silene dioica Silene latifolia ssp. alba (Silene alba) Sison amomum Sisymbrium officinale Solanum dulcamara Sonchus arvensis Sonchus asper Sonchus oleraceus Sorbus aucuparia Spergularia rubra Stellaria graminea Ste/laria holostea Stellaria media Ste/laria uliginosa (Stellaria alsine) Taraxacum agg. Teucrium scorodonia Trifolium repens Tripleurospermum inodorum Ulex europaeus Ulmus sp. Urtica dioica Vicia cracca Vicia tetrasperma Vulpia bromoides Goat Willow Grey Willow Rusty Willow Elder Lesser Skullcap Common Ragwort Red Campion White Campion Stone Parsley Hedge Mustard Bittersweet Perennial Sow-thistle Prickly Sow-thistle Common Sow-thistle Rowan Sand Spurrey Lesser Stitchwort Greater Stitchwort Common Chickweed Bog Stitchwort Dandelion Wood Sage White Clover Scentless Mayweed Gorse Elm Stinging Nettle Tufted Vetch Smooth Tare Squirreltail Fescue Total species 185 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE NEXT NEWSLETTER Please send contributions for the next Newsletter, due out at the end of February, to the Editor, Mr Peter Harvey, 9 Kent Road, Grays, RM 17 6DE by the first week of February. Remember that the production of the Newsletter depends on contributions from members. 1 am sure that many members must have news, observations or the results of fieldwork that would be of interest to others. If text has been typed on a PC computer then a disk with the file would be very helpful.