17 WHATS ON: ESSEX FIELD CLUB NOVEMBER Saturday 11th General Meeting 1401. "Birds of Spain". Talk by Martin Henry at 3.00 pm Red Cross Hall, London Road, Chelmsford (car park entrance in Writtle Road). Sunday 19th Bird Group. Maylandsea for wintering birds. Meet 10.30 am opposite boat yard entrance TL 904024. Leader David Williams. Phone: (01245) 225119 for details. DECEMBER Satuiday 9th Botany Group and British Mycological Society, review of the progress of the "Essex Fungi Project". 3.00 pm at the Boniface's house, 40 Pentland Avenue, Chelmsford. Phone Tony Boniface for details: (01245) 266316. This meeting is intended only for those people involved in the project. Tuesday 26th Boxing Day Ramble. Thorndon Park South. Childerditch Street and Jury Hill. 3 or 5 miles. Meet country park car park at 11.00 am TQ 634899. JANUARY Saturday 20th General Meeting 1402. "Bumblebees" talk by Ted Benton at 3.00 pm Red Cross Hall, London Road, Chelmsford (car park entrance in Writtle Road). Sunday 28th Bird Group. Fingringhoe Wick Nature Reserve. Meet at 10.30 am at the centre car park TM 048193. Leader Carole Wilken. Phone: (01245) 450782 for details. FEBRUARY Saturday 17th Bird Group. Hamford Water. Meet at 10.30 am at Little Oakley TM 215284. Leaders Judith and Tony Boniface. Phone: (01245) 266316 for details. MARCH Sunday 10th Botany Group. Mistletoe mapping in Hatfield Forest. Meet main car park (bush end) at 11.00 am TL 547202. Saturday 16th Annual General Meeting 116. Red Cross Hall, London Road, Chelmsford (car park entrance in Writtle Road) at 3.00 pm followed by address by vice-president Roger Payne, "The Natural History of the Tilbury Area". Sunday 17th Bird Group. Dagenham Chase. Meet at 10.30 am outside "The Farmhouse Tavern" P.H. TQ 508861. Leader John Bath. Phone: (01277) 651890.