3 sightings were of territorial males, and also included an ovipositing female, confirming the marsh as a new breeding site for the species. In 1995, B. pratense was observed at several locations on the reserve (TL9513, TL9612, TL9512, TL9612, TL9812, and TL9911), from as early as May 1st through to June 21st, when Ian Hawkins and myself counted 9 individuals, and I was able to photograph a pair mating. The species has also been reported from the nearby Tollesbury Wick nature reserve of the Essex Wildlife Trust (TL9709) by B. Watts, who noted 7 specimens in 1994, and 1 in 1995. As yet it seems unclear whether pratense is established as abreeding species at this site. Also, S. Dewick reports the presence of pratense in both 1994 and 1995 at the Bradwell site. Meanwhile, J Hurley reports seeing at least 2 males of the species behaving territorially along the Cornmill Stream, in the West of the county on the 26th May 1995, and another on the 8th of May at a site near Bushy Hill. B.D.S. president, Andrew McGeeney confirms that the species has been observed at several sites in the Lea valley, and is probably re-established there as a breeding species. This encouraging picture is added to by other as yet unconfirmed reports from the Southend area and the Chelmer/Blackwater. The evidence is that following a long period of decline since the 1940s, the Hairy Dragonfly has regained something close to its former distribution in Essex, and may be even extending its range beyond its previous strongholds. Other good news is evidence of some increase in the local damselflies P. pennipes and E. najas. Both have strong colonies on the River Stour, on the boundary with Suffolk, and the latter was noticed on the River Colne in Colchester for the first time this year. Acknowledgements: Thanks to I. Hawkins, G. Pyman, S. Dewick, J. Firmin, D. Bridges and EWT, N. Cuming, B. Watts, J.M. Hurley, and A. McGeeney for sending records. References: E. Benton The Dragonflies of Essex EFC 1988 J. Silsby 'The 1995 Darter Invasion' BDS Newsletter 28 Autumn 1995, pp.11-13 J. Silsby 'Wildlife Reports: Dragonflies' British Wildlife 7:1 Oct. 1995, pp.48-50 Ted Benton CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE NEXT NEWSLETTER Please send contributions for the next Newsletter, due out at the end of May, to the Editor, Mr Peter Harvey, 9 Kent Road, Grays, RM 17 6DE by the first week of May. Remember that the production of the Newsletter depends on contributions from members. I am sure that many members must have news, observations or the results of fieldwork that would be of interest to others. If text has been typed on a PC computer then a disk with the file would be very helpful.