16 ITEMS FOR SALE Professional Biologist with many items surplus to requirements to be sold cheap. I am disposing of laboratory glassware, specimen bottles, books, microscopy equipment, some chemicals that would suit O, A, and undergraduate students. Lists on application to the address below: Dr L.H.R. Hamblin, 16 Shaftesbury Road, Romford, Essex, RM1 2QH Tel. 01708 753362 WHATS ON: ESSEX FIELD CLUB MARCH Sunday 10th Botany Group. Mistletoe mapping in Hatfield Forest. Meet main car park (bush end) at 11.00 am TL 547202. Saturday 16th Annual General Meeting 116. Red Cross Hall, London Road, Chelmsford (car park entrance in Writtle Road) at 3.00 pm followed by address by vice-president Roger Payne, "The Natural History of the Tilbury Area". Sunday 17th Bird Group. Dagenham Chase. Meet at 10.30 am outside "The Farmhouse Tavern" P.H. TQ 508861. Leader John Bath. Phone: (01277) 651890. SELECTED MEETINGS FROM NEW PROGRAMME. (full programme will be distributed before the end of March) APRIL Saturday 27th General Meeting 1403. 50 Years On - commerating the 860th meeting of the Field Club along the same route looking for birds and plants. Meet 9.45 -10am at Baldwins Hill TQ427976. Park along Baldwins Hill or walk from Goldings Hill. Lift from Loughton or Chingford Stations if requested. Leader Jeremy Dagley. Phone: (0181)5082266. MAY Saturday 11th Botany Group. Oxlips and general botany. Rowney Woods, Debden. Meet Debden Church TL551332 at 11 am. Leader Tim Pyner. Phone: (01702) 332425. Sunday 12th Bird Group and Essex Bird Watching Society. Landguard Point, Suffolk. Meet 9am in car park off Manor Road, Felixstowe. Tour of observatory and adjacent reserve. Friday 31st Bird Group. Kingfisher search along the River Wid at Mountnessing followed by Bird Group Annual Meeting. Meet TQ623974 at entrance of track at 7pm. Leaders Judith and Tony Boniface. Phone: (01245) 266316.