7 Sunday 30th Joint Meeting, with Colchester NHS. Invertebrates and Botany. Meet at 10.00am at the Community Hall, Castle Hedingham. Leader Jerry Bowdrey (01206) 282936 day (01255) 880023 evening. JULY Friday 5th Bird and Mammal Groups and the Essex Bird Watching Society. Bats and birds at Hanningfield reservoir. Meet 7.30pm West Hanningfield car park. TQ 730996. Leader John Dobson (01245) 224408. Sunday 7th Botany Group. BSBI Atlas 2000 recording meeting. Meet at Thorndon EWT Centre at 11.00am. Groups to record 10Km squares 58, 68, 59 and 69. Bring packed lunch. Leader Ken Adams 0181-508 7863. Moth Trapping at Old Water Works Site, Sandford Mill. Meet outside Wed. 10th gate. TL 739063 at 8.00pm. Leader Tony Walentowicz (01245) 350016. Geology Group and Essex Rock and Mineral Society. Derived fossils, rocks and minerals at Roxwell gravel quarry. Meet Roxwell Road Saturday 13th entrance at 8.00am at TL 653086. Leader Gerald Lucy (01799) 523310. Botany Group. Markshall, Lily and Cleveland Woods. Meet 10.30am at Marks Hall Visitors Centre. TL 839251. Leader Jeremy Ison (01376) 345235. Sunday 14th Saturday 20th Botany Group. BSBI Atlas 2000 recording meeting. Meet in car park at Bull Wood, Hockley. TQ 833923. 11.00am. Groups to record lOKm squares 88, 89, 98 and 99. Bring packed lunch. Leader Tim Pyner (01702)332425. Joint Meeting with Colchester NHS. Invertebrates and Botany. Meet at 9.30am at Goldhanger Church. TL 905088. Leader Joe Firmin (01206) 241389. Sunday 21st AUGUST Insects. Meet Cudmore Grove Country Park car park, Mersea Island. TM 065147. 11.00am. Leader Roger Payne (01702) 215130. Sunday 4th Joint Meeting with Colchester NHS. Invertebrates and Botany. Meet at Old Hall Marshes RSPB Reserve at 9.45am. TL959124. Leader Nigel Cuming. Details from Jerry Bowdrey (01206) 282936 day or (01255) Saturday 24th 880023 evening.