3 Several snail-killing flies (Sciomyzidae) were also in evidence, including the distinctive Pherbina coryleti and several species of Tetanocera which will need the male genitalia examining under a microscope before a name can be applied. Several other flies were collected and await examination. Dragonflies and damselflies were also few, with only three species notd ... Ishnura elegans, Enallagma cyathigerum and Calopteryx splendens. Grasshoppers and crickets included Conocephalus dorsalis, Pholidoptera griseoaptera and the two common species Chorthippus brunneus and Ch. parallelus. A dead tree trunk attracted some attention as ruby-tailed wasps Chrysis sp. (as yet unidentified females) were watched investigating holes in the timber, some of which contained nest chambers of the solitary wasp Trypoxylon attenuatum. Ruby-tailed wasps are cleptoparasites (nest parasites) of solitary bees and wasps and are sometimes called cuckoo-wasps, laying their eggs in the host nest. The parasite egg hatches first, destroys the host egg and then uses the food provided by the host for its own larva. After development, the cuckoo-wasp, rather than the host wasp, emerges from the nest- chamber. A disappointing day for accumulating insect records, but nevertheless an interesting one from the point of view of investigating the changing populations of insects within the county. Colin W. Plant * Editor's note: There was some consternation and excitement during the morning when a foal was found stuck in one of the dykes. It had obviously been there for some time and its efforts to escape from the deep water had thrashed the vegetation in a large circle to the extent that it appeared to have fallen into a pond rather than a dyke. Even though the foal was obviously getting very tired it was still making desperate efforts to get out, and so it was with some trepidation and care that we managed to pull it out safely. The horses feeding nearby immediately all arrived to surround and protect the foal and take it off to safety. Without our appearance the foal would certainly not have survived. Spider report Spiders recorded were all widespread, the most interesting and local being the Theridiid spider Theridion instabile. This is a characteristic but rather local species of marshes and sedge beds. Species recorded Dictyna arundinacea Enoplognatha ovata Dictyna uncinata Tetragnatha montana Clubiona phragmitis Araniella cucurbitina Xysticus cristatus Larinioides cornutus Philodromus cespitum Gnathonarium dentatum Pardosa amentata Hypomma bituberculatum Pardosa palustris Oedothorax tuberosus Pardosa prativaga trigone atra Pirata piraticus Erigone dentipalpis Theridion bimaculatum Bathyphantes approximatus Theridion instabile Kaestneria pullata Theridion sisyphium Peter Harvey