Birds Recorded Tufted Duck Pheasant Moorhen Black Headed Gull Wood Pigeon Great Spotted Woodpecker Robin Reed Warbler Sedge Warbler Blackcap Garden Warbler Whitethroat John Bath, Judith Boniface Willow Warbler Chiffchaff Magpie Jay Blue Tit Wren Mistle Thrush Blackbird Starling Greenfinch Bullfinch Reed Bunting House Sparrow MOTH TRAPPING AT SANDFORD MILL - 10TH JULY 1996 A warm humid night, bright at first, thin cloud cover later. Previous weeks of rather mixed and sometimes cool weather, following a very cool spring. Present: Tony & Judith Boniface, David Turner, Peter West, Phil Butler, Tony Walentowicz. Peter West brought a bat detector and recorded three species along the river - Noctule, Serotine and Pipestrelle. One Cockchafer was observed in flight. The light trap operated from about 9.00 till 12.30. Very many Trichoptera (caddis flies) were about. The following mostly macro moths were identified: Elephant hawk-moth Barred Straw Dark Arches Common Emerald Small Emerald? Large Emerald Least Carpet Fen Wainscot? Common Footman Thistle Ermine Plume Moth Riband Wave (dark specimen) Peppered Moth Pale Prominent Double Square-spot? Deilephila elpenor Eulithis pyraliata Apamea monoglypha Hemithea aestivaria Hemistola chrysoprasaria Geometra papilionaria Idaea vulpinaria atrosignaria Arenostola phragmitidis Eilema lurideola Idaea aversata Biston betularia f. carbonaria Pterostoma palpina Xestia triangulum ?not 100% certain