10 SEPTEMBER WHATS ON: ESSEX FIELD CLUB Saturday 14th Joint Meeting with Colchester NHS and British Entomological Society including evening light trapping. Howlands Marsh. Details from Jerry Bowdrey (01206) 282936 day or (01255) 880023 evening. Saturday 21st General Meeting 1407. Essex Fungi Group. Fungus Foray in Epping Forest. Meet 10.00am at Epping Forest Conservation Centre car park. Leader Geoffrey Kibby 0171-584 0067 daytime, weekdays. Sunday 22nd Bird Group. Early migrants at Abberton Reservoir. Meet at visitors centre car park. TL 963185 at 10.30am. Leader Judith Boniface (01245) 266316. Sunday 29th Essex Fungi Group. Fungus Foray. Meet at 10.30am at entrance to Scrubs Wood TL 787057. Display and cup of tea at St Andrew's Room, Little Baddow, 3.00 - 5.00pm. Leader Martin Gregory (01245) 223300. Sunday 29th Joint Meeting with Colchester NHS, Basildon NHS and British Plant Gall Society. Meet at Warren Road entrance to Belfairs Nature Reserve, Leigh-on-Sea 10.00am. Details from Jerry Bowdrey (01206) 282936 day or (01255) 880023 evening. OCTOBER Sunday 13 th Bird Group. Wintering birds at Fishers Green, Waltham Abbey. Meet 10.30am at car park TL 377032. Leader Carole Wilken (01245) 450782. Mammal Group. Deer watch in Tilty area. Meet Foakes Hall car park, Stortford Road, Dunmow at 3.00pm. Leader David Scott (01245) 361475. Essex Fungi Group. Fungus Foray, Galleywood Common. Meet central car park off Margaretting Road at 10.30am. TL 702026. Leader Tony Boniface (01245) 266316. Saturday 26th Sunday 27th NOVEMBER Saturday 24th Bird Group. RSPB Reserve, Old Hall Marsh. Meet 10.30am at Reserve car park TL 958122. Leader John Bath (01277) 651890. General Meeting 1408. "The Fascination of Flies" talk by Del Smith at 3.00pm. Red Cross Hall, London Road, Chelmsford (car aprk entrance in Writtle Road). Saturday 30th DECEMBER Saturday 7th Essex Fungi Group. Review of the second year. 3.00pm at the Boniface's house, 40 Pentland Avenue, Chelmsford, CM1 4AZ. (01245) 266316 for details. Boxing Day Ramble. South Weald Park and Navestockside. 4 or 6 miles depending on the weather. Can be muddy if wet. Meet South Weald Country Park car park in Lincoln's Lane. TQ 564946 at 11.00am. Leaders John and Maureen Tollfree (01708) 742206. Thursday 26th