4 NEW GEOLOGY EXHIBITION - SAFFRON WALDEN MUSEUM 'The Changing Face of Geology in Essex' Open until 2nd March 1997. Entrance £1, children free, discounts 50p. Tel: 01799 510333. SEDGES IN GARDENS With the gradual thinning of the natural distribution of our native sedges in the open countryside through loss of habitat, it is something of a compensation to see that, like the fox, some species are moving into suburbia. The Pendulous Sedge, Carex pendula, is a common weed here in Loughton, plants seeding all over the place in flower beds and passageways, as well as being encouraged as an attractive garden plant. More surprising however, is the occurrence of the Grey Sedge Carex divulsa ssp. divulsa, which occurs in garden borders in at least three gardens in Loughton in the Queen's Road area, and in Staples Road has completely take over a derelict front garden. I have also seen it taking over front gardens in Walthamstow and in Southgate. Have you found any sedges in gardens in other Essex towns? If so please let me know. Ken Adams BSBI ATLAS 2000 & THIRD ESSEX FLORA PROJECT SQUARE BASHERS GUIDE UPDATE - & TIT BITS Thanks to all those who responded with their batches of cards after the last newsletter. I am glad too that the last 'tit-bits' was appreciated. 1 have managed to send out a few more packs of lists and LD. tips and BSBI recording booklets, please let me know if you have still been left out. CASUAL/NATURALIZED/NATIVE Can you please give an indication by entering the taxon on the back of the card if you turn up plants which are well recorded elsewhere, perhaps even in Essex, that are nevertheless unexpected in your squares. For example on the chalk and calcareous sands around Grays, Viper's Bugloss is relatively widespread. It has however turned up twice as a one off casual in TQ49 (Epping Forest), and once to my knowledge in TL72. If we simply cross it off on the card it will come up in the ensuing Atlas database as a native for that square. NATIONAL GRID COORDINATES. A few cards are coming in with back to front grid references and some other weird combinations as well. Can you please enter where it says Tetrad on the back of the card, the four figure reference for the monad, and write monad beside it. e.g. the top right hand (north eastmost) 1 x 1 km square for TQ49 would be notated TQ49,99 MONAD and the northeast 100 meter square would have the following 6-figure reference TQ499,999. Remember Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 19, November 1996