6 The situation is not helped by name changes (see synonyms overleaf). Agrostis merges into Calamagrostis and Tom says probably ought to be lumped with it. A. castellana for example, has a (minutely) hairy lemma callus (to 0.3mm long) which is a character of Calamagrostis. Unless you are happy with sorting them out, can we just make sure that we have them accurately recorded for each 10km square, and then for each lxl km square, if you have not sorted them out simply pat Agrostis aggregate on the back of the card. The following is a summary of the Agrostis species we are likely to encounter in Essex. A key to the more exotic ones is to be found in 'Alien Grasses' BSBI 1996. By Ryves, Clement and Foster. 1 Plants with VESTIGIAL palea, & ligule of FLOWERING stems ACUTE, awn 0 or from BASE of lemma, panicle open or closed after anthesis. The A. canina complex: A. canina - wet grassland, flowers early, NEVER any rhizomes, but occasionally has stolons. A. vinealis (montana) - dry grassland, flowers late, rhizomes PRESENT, but NEVER any stolons. Plants with WELL DEVELOPED palea, ligule of FLOWERING stems TRUNCATE: Panicle OPEN after anthesis: A. capillaris (-tenuis) - ligule of STERILE shoots WIDER than LONG, rhizomes AND stolons present, awn 0 or arising ON BACK OF LEMMA. Panicle branches smooth or only thinly scabrid. A. gigantea - ligule of STERILE shoots LONGER than BROAD, rhizomes present but NEVER stolons, awn 0 or SUBAPICAL. Panicle branches scabrid. Panicle CLOSED after anthesis: A. stolonifera - stolons present but NEVER HAS rhizomes, awn 0 or SUBAPICAL, not exceeding the glumes, primary panicle branches bearing spikelets to the base, lemma with glabrous callous. A. castellana - rhizomes present but NO stolons, awn 0 or from base of lemma, primary panicle branches naked below, lemma with shortly bearded (0.3mm) callus. Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 19, November 1996