7 There are said to be three distinct forms of A. castellana: var. aristata - awns present on all lemmas, lateral nerves of lemmas prominent and excurrent at tip. var. neuta - No awns OR excurrent nerve. var. mixta - awned and awnless spikelets in the same panicle, usually only the spikelets of the final branchlets have awns. ANISANTHA The alien Great Brome A. diandra and the Ripgut Grass, A. rigida are dubiously distinct and should perhaps only be allotted varietal status, as morphological characters intergrade. The former is soft and pendent and the latter stiff and erect. Most if not all our south Essex material would appear to be A. diandra. BROMUS Two other grasses with morphological overlap, that are doubtfully distinct according to Tom Cope, are Bromus commutatus and Bromus racemosus. B. commutatus is supposed to be a good ancient grassland indicator, but a veiy different form occurs as a robust and abundant arable weed, also occurring on waste ground. To separate B. racemosus and B. commutatus Tom Cope recommends scoring all five of the following characters: racemosus commutatus Spikelet length 10-16mm 15-28mm Length of lowest rachilla joint 0.7-1.0mm 1.3-1.7mm Length of lemma 6.5-8.0mm 8.0-11.0mm Lemma margin rounded angled Anther length 1.5-3.0mm 1.0-1.5mm It would be useful to record the habitat (old grassland/arable-waste ground) for B. commutatus in case the two forms turn out eventually to be different. Ken Adams Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 19, November 1996