mammoth tooth. Although complete these remains are very fragile and difficult to conserve. A large rib has been seen in the cliff. Pieces of better preserved bone, including the end of an elephant tibia and tusk fragments are particularly common on the foreshore around TM 16483221 where they appear to be cast up by the numerous bait diggers here. The low cliff of Brickearth with lenses of gravel and much fine sand is greatly obscured by chalets which are often perched on stilts. The owners of these chalets are waging constant war against attack from the ever encroaching sea which appears to be cutting down into the beach and foreshore. The adjacent land and foreshore was bought by the chalet owners in 1986 (Balhaven Ltd.) "to maintain its peace and tranquility for future generations to enjoy". A great heap of dredged material about 2m high measuring 1 Om by 15m containing many thick shelled grey oysters; black angular flint pebbles; lumps of green and grey clay and a small piece of sarsen stone has recently been dumped at TM16493220 to be used to construct an offshore breakwater. The brickearth, sand and gravel is intermittently exposed in the low cliff from TM16343190 to TM17063227. Just to the east of this at TM17103229 is a fault in the London Clay (Whitaker 1885 p. 18). Whale bone fragments and a shark's tooth of Isurus hastalis, both presumably derived from the Red Crag, have been collected from the beach at this point. This interglacial deposit is presumably the same age as the nearby Ipswichian Age (sensu Trafalgar Square) site at Stutton, Suffolk. Both sites have yielded hippopotamus and dated to stage 5e of the oxygen isotope record and are about 125,000 years old. Bibliography Christy, M 1907 Cole, W. 1907 Cole, W. 1908 Cole, W. 1908 Dale, S. 1730 Luffkin, J. 1701 Bones of Mammoth at Wrabness. Essex Naturalist Vol.15 pp. 102-104. Report of Ordinary Meeting held on 20th April 1907. Essex naturalist Vol. 15 pp.46-49. Report of Ordinary Meeting held on 26th October 1907. Essex naturalist Vol. 15 pp. 148-149. Report of Ordinary Meeting held on 30th November 1907. Essex naturalist Vol .15 p. 151. The History and Antiquities of Harwich and Dovercourt. Part of a letter from Mr John Luffkin to the publisher, concerning some large bones, lately found in a gravel-pit near Colchester. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Vol. 22 pp.924- 926. Sparks, B.W. & West, R.G. 1964 The Interglacial Deposits at Stutton, Suffolk. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association Vol. 74 pp.419-432, Spencer, H.E.P. 1953 The Stutton Brickearth, Suffolk. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association Vol. 64 pp.25-28. Whitaker, W. 1885 The Geology of the Country around Ipswich, Hadleigh, and Felixstow. Memoir of the Geological Survey, Wilkinson, TJ. & Murphy, P. The Hullbridge Basin Survey 1987. Interim Report No. 8 Wymer, J.J. W.H. George 1985 Palaeolithic Sites of East Anglia. Essex Field Club Newsletter No, 21, May 1997