2 Recorders are now required to provide an annual report to Council and this will normally be published in the journal. If you are a Recorder and have not sent me your 1996 report, now is the time to do so or to present your excuses! If anyone out there wants to take on the recording of a particular group of plants or animals in Essex 1 would be very keen to discuss this with them without any obligation. Council also spent a great deal of time discussing changes to the Club's rules. The present rules were designed several years ago and whilst they have adequately served their purpose they have become rather dated and are not adequate for our present and future needs. We hope to have the finalised version ready for members to see at the next AGM in March 1998 but, in the meantime, I will be pleased to receive any helpful comments or constructive criticism. You should all have received a copy of the rules when you joined the Club! If you have lost your copy write for another one (please enclose an sae) to Tony Boniface at 40 Pentland Avenue, Chelmsford, CM1 4AZ. Finally, and this is the bit you probably won't like, we discussed the membership subscription. Members have been paying a measly £7.50 a year for a good many years and so it will come as no surprise that our reserves have been diminishing rather rapidly. At the same time, our costs have risen drastically. When you bear in mind the cost of hiring meetings rooms, printing the programme and newsletter (and let's not forget postage and envelopes) it soon mounts up. The Essex naturalist alone cost more in 1996 than we took from you in subscriptions!!! Although from a pure financial standpoint we should have raised the subscription ages ago, we have resisted doing so until we were certain that we were in a position to supply all our members with a good quality journal every year. We now believe that we are in that position but in order to do it, we need more money. Its that simple. We spent a great deal of time debating how much extra we needed to get from subscriptions. We do not want to lose members by raising the fee to a ridiculous level, but we do need to raise it to cover expenditure. It has therefore been decided that from January 1998, membership subscriptions will rise from £7.50 to £10 per year for ordinary members. The new rates for other membership classes will be £5 for Student members, £12.50 for family membership and £15 for institutional membership. It is my belief that nobody will object to paying £10 a year for membership now that we are in a position to guarantee the journal. However, if any member is suffering genuine financial hardship and feels truly unable to afford the subscription, he or she is welcome to get in touch with me in complete confidence. As always, I welcome your letters and calls on any Essex Field Club related topic. Colin Plant, 14 West Road, Bishops Stortford, Herts., CM23 3QP. Telephone or fax me on 01279 507697 or e-mail me on Colinwplant@compuserve.com Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 22, August 1997