5 Full bird list Great crested grebe Canada goose Mallard Moorhen Coot Black-headed gull Wood pigeon Little owl Green woodpecker Great spotted woodpecker Lesser spotted woodpecker Pied wagtail Wren Robin Blackbird Mistle thrush Chiffchaff Long-tailed tit Coal tit Blue tit Great tit Nuthatch Treecreeper Jay Magpie Jackdaw Rook Crow Starling Chaffinch Greenfinch Siskin Redpoll David Williams SKIPPERS ISLAND, Ist JUNE 1997 On a bright but windy Sunday morning eight members of the Field Club arrived at about 08.30 to Birch Hall Farm to enjoy a visit to Skippers Island. Unfortunately a strong wind was blowing the tide inland and this resulted in the wardens being unable to row across to pick up the motor boat. It was decided to explore the sea wall and to cross the causeway on foot later at 13.00. We spent the time identifying the grasses and other flowering plants, watching the few birds visible including some Common Whitethroats in full song, searching for reptiles and locating a Common lizard, and admiring colonies of Lackey moths and the webs of funnel -web spiders. It was pleasing to find the Hogs fennel spreading along the wall from its stronghold on the island. The crossing was not easy as we walked, waded and balanced our way across mud, stepping stones and bridges to the island. We inspected the accommodation which is available and could not help wondering if we would be using it sooner than we might expect. A pleasant three hours were spent recording the plants, bird watching and looking for reptiles. We left an hour early, but only just in time, to make an equally hair-raising crossing back to the mainland. We were glad to reach dry land safely and wipe the mud off our essential Wellington boots. Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 22, August 1997