10 References Boswell, P.G.H. 1925 The Evolution of the East Anglian River Stour Journal of the Ipswich and District Natural History Society Vol. 1 pp.7-36, Ellison, R.A. 1986 Geology of the Country around Braintree. British Geological & Lake, RD. Survey Memoir for Sheet 223. Sumbler, M.G. 1996 London and the Thames Valley. British Regional Geology 4th Edition Summerfield, M.A. 1979 Origin and palaeoenvironmental interpretation of sarsens. Nature 281 (5727) pp.137-9. Summerfield, M.A. 1980a The sarsens of southern England; their palaeonenvironmental & Goudie, AS. interpretation with reference to silcretes. In Jones, D.K.C. (ed ) The shaping of southern England. Summerfield, M.A, 1980b Petrographic investigation of sarsens (Cenozoic silcretes) & Whalley, W.B. from southern England Geotogie Mijnbouw Vol 59 (2) pp.145-53. Whitaker, W. 1885 The Geology of the Country around Ipswich, Hadleigh and Felixstow. W.H. George COUNTRY WALKING MAGAZINES & NATURAL HISTORY BOOKS AVAILABLE I am trying to rationalise space and sort out my magazines and books! I have about 100 consecutive issues of Country Walking magazine available free to anyone that can collect or pay post and packaging. 1 also have a large number of old natural history books for sale including many in the New Naturalist and Wayside and Woodland series. If interested please send a SAE for list to Peter Harvey, 32 Lodge Lane, Grays, Essex, RM16 2YP. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE NEWSLETTER PLEASE NOTE NEW ADDRESS!!! Please send contributions for the next Newsletter, due out November, to the Editor, Mr Peter Harvey, 32 Lodge Lane, Grays, RM16 2YP by the end of September at the latest. Remember that the production of the Newsletter depends on contributions from members. Many members must have wildlife news, observations or the results of fieldwork that would be of interest to others - do not underestimate the interest of your own observations!! If text has already been typed on a standalone PC computer then a disk with the file would be very helpful but typed or handwritten notes are welcome. Deadline dates for the Newsletter each year January/February Newsletter: deadline - end of December April/May Newsletter: deadline - end of March August/September Newsletter: deadline - end of July October/November Newsletter: deadline - end of September Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 22, August 1997