11 AUGUST WHATS ON: ESSEX FIELD CLUB Saturday 2nd SEPTEMBER Sunday 7th Sunday 14th Thursday 18th Sunday 21 st Sunday 21 st Saturday 27th Sunday 28th OCTOBER Sunday 12th Sunday 19th Saturday 25th Sunday 26th NOVEMBER Sunday 2nd Saturday 22nd Joint Meeting with Colchester Natural Natural History Society and British Entomological Society. Meet Marks Hall Centre. TL 839252. Moth trapping at 8.30pm. Leader Joe Firmin (01206) 241389 and Jerry Bowdrey (01206) 282936 day or (01255) 880023 evening. Botany Group. BSBI Atlas 2000 recording meeting. Square TQ69. Meet at Norsey Wood Centre. TQ 690959 at 11.00am. Leader Ken Adams 0181-508 7863. Joint Meeting, with Colchester NHS Botany and Invertebrates, Eight Ash GreenWood. Meet at slip road off Halstead Road. TL 955254 at 9.30am. Leader Nigel Cumming (01206) 330019. Mammal Group. Garden Fox Watch, Southend. Contact John Wright for details (01702) 78409. Essex Fungi Group. Foray, Danbury Common. Meet main car park. TL 781043 at 10,30am. Display and cup of tea at St. Andrews Room, Little Baddow. TL 780075 3.30pm-5,00pm. Leader Martin Gregory (01245) 223300. Galls. Meet at entrance to West Wood, Thaxted. TL 624332 at 10.30am. Leader Nick Gordon (01799) 510333 day. Geology Group. Jurassic and Pleistocene of the Northampton region. Local leaders Dr Gavin Gilmore and Mrs Ann Smith (Nene College). Meet at Northampton Railway Station. SP 747605, OS. 1:50,000 sheet 152. Main car park (not visitor's car park) at 10.30am. ESSENTIAL- phone Peter Allen (01992) 630661 in case of changes in arrangements. Bird Group. Landguard Point, Suffolk. Meet at 10,30am at car park off Manor Road, Felixstowe (follow signs). Leader John Bath (01277) 651890. Essex Fungi Group. Foray in Epping Forest. Meet at 10.00am at Epping Forest Conservation Centre car park. Leader Geoffrey Kibby 0171-584 0067 daytime, weekdays. Geology Group and Essex Rock and Mineral Society. Geology on your doorstep. Brentwood High Street. Building stones in shop fronts, memorials, buildings and kerbstones. Meet at 2.00pm outside Old House, Wilsons Corner. Leaders Gerald Lucy and Graham Ward (01799) 523310. Mammal Group. Deer watch in Tilty area. Meet Foakes Hall car park, Stortford Road, Dunmow at 3.00pm. Leader David Scott (01245) 361475. Bird Group. Paglesham and the River Roach. Meet at 10.30am near the footpath. TQ926926. Leaders Judith and Tony Boniface (01245) 266316. Essex Fungi Group. Foray, Shoebury Old Ranges. Meet 10.30am at TQ 931840 where the cars can be parked. Leader Martin Gregory (01245) 223300. General Meeting 1415. "The Kingdom of the Fungi". Talk by Tony Boniface with slides by Martin Gregory at 3.00pm, Red Cross Hall, London Raod, Chelmsford (car park entrance in Writtle Road). Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 22, August 1997