THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB DEPARTMENT OF LIFE SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF EAST LONDON ROMFORD ROAD, STRA TFORD, LONDON, E15 4LZ NEWSLETTER NO. 23 November 1997 THE PRESIDENT'S PAGE With this issue of the newsletter you should also receive your free copy of the Essex Naturalist, volume 14 in the new series. I am particularly pleased about this, not least because, as Editor, it has been the cause of much fuss over the last couple of months! The main reasons for my pleasure, however, are more fundamental. When Peter Harvey and I tried to revitalise the journal last year we were worried on two counts - first that it might not be as well received as we hoped and second that we might not get enough contributions in for the next one! Judgements do get clouded; WE liked the idea so we assumed that everyone else might too! I am happy that all our fears were unfounded. A glance at the 160 pages of this years volume shows that not only did I receive material but that I received far more than last year! There are contributions on flora, mammals, invertebrates and general conservation topics as well as the annual reports from Recorders which are now a part of their duty, so that there is something for everyone, though I hope that you will agree that all of the papers are well worth reading. It is my greatest hope that the Essex Naturalist will, now that it is re-established as a journal carrying properly refereed papers in addition to the annual reports from Recorders and other articles, attract a wide range of good quality papers, of high standard but presented in a reader-friendly style so that they can be read and enjoyed by naturalists of all persuasions and all backgrounds. Although we would encourage all those interested in any aspect of Essex natural history to join the Essex Field Club, membership is by no means a requirement for authors wishing to submit papers to the 1998 or subsequent journals. There is another reason for pleasure on my part. This newsletter and journal sees the start of a relationship between the Essex Field Club and the Brentwood based Cravitz Printing Company Ltd. This established Essex firm has been chosen from several to be responsible for the printing and also for the mailing-out of all Essex Field Club publications, including the programme card which will arrive with the next newsletter. I have had the pleasure of working with Cravitz as Editor of the journal Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation and Cravitz also print the Bulletin of the Amateur Entomologists Society. So ... they are not lacking in experience of natural history publishing. We hope that this new working relationship will improve the efficiency of the Club's publishing activities and in particular that publications will be received by members on time. Moving on to a different topic - winter is now more or less upon us (I am writing in October) and the field season is over for many of us, although there are field trips right Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 23, November 1997