3 Small mammals are a group that are difficult to record. For example, it is probable that the Wood mouse is present in eveiy tetrad in the county yet proving it is more difficult. The examination of owl pellets has proved particularly successful in mapping small mammals - however, Barn owls themselves are thinly dispersed around the county. To date 13 species have been identified from pellets, Common shrew, Pygmy shrew, Water shrew, Wood mouse, Harvest mouse, House mouse, Field vole, Bank vole, Water vole, Brown rat and mole. In addition, Brown long-eared bat and Pipistrelle have been recorded on one occasion each from pellets obtained on the Dengie. Although records have been obtained from all parts of Essex, the best cover is from central Essex.The map shows the level of recording in different parts of Essex and it is clear that parts of North-West and South Essex are under-recorded. It is hoped that this can be remedied in the future but if members could record their sightings, particularly for less "visible" mammals such as Weasel, Stoat, Brown rat and small mammals then perhaps some of the gaps can be filled. Information required is Species, Date, 6-figure grid reference and circumstances such as "2 seen" or "dead on road". The most widely recorded mammal is the Grey squirrel explained by the visibility of dreys in the winter months. Although this species has been present in Essex for a long time, anecdotal comments that "they have arrived in South Woodham Ferrers" or "starting to be seen more regularly on Canvey" have been heard within the last year. Coastal Essex has less suitable habitat and it will be of interest to follow the spread into these areas. Grev squirrel For the future it is hoped to collate historical records, particularly for Cetaceans (Minke whale, Fin whale and a probable Humpback whale have all been recorded in Essex since 1994) and to publish an Atlas to document the status and distribution of Essex mammals for the next century. Please send any records to John Dobson, 16 Westerings, Bicknacre, Danbury, Essex CM3 4 ND or John Wright, 47, Chalkwell Park Drive, Leigh on Sea, Essex SS9 1NH Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 23, November 1997-