Xerocomus chrysenteron Red-cracked boletus Xerocomus porosporus a bolete Agaricus bitorquis Pavement mushroom Paxillus involutus Brown roll-rim Russula lepida a brittle gill (scarlet) Russula grisea a brittle gill (greyish-green) Amanita phalloides Death cap Amanita rubescens The blusher Pluteus cervinus Fawn pluteus Pluteus salicinus a greenish pluteus Clitocybe gibba Common funnel cap Megacollybia platyphylla Broad gilled agaric LETTERS TO THE EDITOR I write in response to Mr Charles Watson's article 'The Field Club and Other Conservation Bodies and Societies' printed in newsletter No. 21. Mr Watson makes a great deal of sense in his comments regarding the need to improve and promote better communication and mutual support between organisations such as the Essex Field Club, the Essex Wildlife Trust and other conservation bodies. Recent project proposals such as the Millennium bid for a national recording network (sadly unsuccessful) and the current proposals for a new records centre in Epping, to replace the lost facilities of Passmore Edwards, have highlighted the possibilities for enhanced access and interchange of biological records between organisations, and has led to a much improved understanding between the Field Club and the Wildlife Trust. Such improvements in communication and exchange of biological data can only be for the benefit of the county's wildlife so it was with considerable sadness that 1 read of the un-acknowledged report that Mr Watson and his colleagues sent to the Trust on their findings at Rushy Mead Nature Reserve. I can confinn that the Trust has received the report, and that the records contained therein have been added to the register for that reserve. 1 can therefore only apologise to Mr Watson and the other members of the Field Club who were involved in carrying out that survey for the lack of any acknowledgement of the report. Please accept my assurance that no offence was intended, rather that it was simply an administrative oversight. I fully share Mr Watson's aspirations of closer co-operation between EFC and EWT and would welcome the opportunity to improve matters in this area. Should any of the members of the EFC have a query regarding recording on Trust reserves, please feel free to contact me at Fingringhoe Wick. D.C. Bridges, Conservation Manager, Essex Wildlife Trust. -------------------------Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 23, November 1997--------------------------