10 NOVEMBER Saturday 22nd DECEMBER Sunday 7th Friday 26th JANUARY Saturday 10th Saturday 17th Saturday 24th Saturday 31 st FEBRUARY Saturday 7th Sunday 15th WHATS ON: ESSEX FIELD CLUB General Meeting 1415. "The Kingdom of the Fungi". Talk by Tony Boniface with slides by Martin Gregory at 3.00pm, Red Cross Hall, London Road, Chelmsford (car park entrance in Writtle Road). Bird Group. Wild Fowl and Waders. Meet 10.00am at boatyard in Maylandsea. TL 904023. Leader David Williams (01245) 225119. Boxing Day Ramble. Kelvedon Hatch and Stondon Massey. 51/2 miles. Meet at school Road, Kelvedon Hatch at 11.00am. TQ 571989. Leaders John and Maureen Tollfree (01708) 742206. Botany Group. Annual Meeting. Review of the year and planning for the next. Chelmsford Museum, Moulsham Street, Chelmsford. 1.30pm - 4.45pm. Parking in Oaklands Park. Bird Group. Fishers Green,Waltham Abbev forwintering birds hopefullv including bitterns. Meet 10.30am at car park. TL 377032. Leader John Bath (01277)651890. General Meeting 1416. "Experiences of aBird Watcher". Talk by Margaret Mitchell at 3.00pm at Red Cross Hall, London Road, Chelmsford (car park entrance in Writtle Road). Essex Fungi Group. Review of the third year 3.00pm at the Boniface's house, 40 Pentland Avenue, Chelmsford CM1 4AZ. (01245) 266316 for details. General Meeting 1417. "Wildlife of Langdon Hills". Talk by Rodney Cole at 3.00pm at Red Cross Hall, London Road, Chelmsford (car park entrance in Writtle Road). Bird Group. Wintering birds hopefully including Short Eared Owls at Hamford Water. Meet at 10.30am at Little Oakley. TM 215284. Leaders Judith and Tony- Boniface (01245) 266316. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE NEWSLETTER Please send contributions for the next Newsletter, due out in January, to the Editor, Mr Peter Harvey, 32 Lodge Lane, Grays, RM16 2YP by the end of December at the latest. Remember that the production of the Newsletter depends on contributions from members. Many members must have wildlife news, observations or the results of fieldwork that would be of interest to others - do not underestimate the interest of your own observations!! If text has already been typed on a standalone PC computer then a disk with the file would be very helpful but typed or handwritten notes are welcome. Deadline dates for the Newsletter each year January/February Newsletter: April/May Newsletter: August/September Newsletter: October/November Newsletter: deadline - end of December deadline - end of March deadline - end of July deadline - end of September Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 23, November 1997