12 ESSEX FIELD CLUB PUBLICATIONS The following publications are still available, now from Tony Boniface, 40 Pentland Avenue, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 4AZ. All titles are available to individuals on a cash with order basis. Please add 50p towards postage and packing irrespective of the size of the order. THE ESSEX NATURALIST SERIES No. 1. Deer of Essex by Dr Donald Chapman. A 50 page paperback describing the distribution and history of deer in Essex. Photographs, maps, etc. ISBN 0 905637 06 2 (published 1977) PRICE £2.00 No. 3. Tiptree Heath - its history and natural history by Laurie Forsyth 19 page booklet describing the most important heathland habitat in Essex. ISBN 0 905637 08 9 (published 1978) PRICE 60p. No. 4. The Wildlife of Epping Forest edited by Dr David Corke. 60 page paperback with photographs and line illustrations. A review of the animal life of the Forest by the leading experts on each group of animals. ISBN 0 905637 09 7 (published 1979) PRICE £1.50 No. 5. The Essex Field Club - the first 100 years by L S Harley 21 page booklet describing the history of the Club on the occasion of its centenary. Photographs. ISBN0905637 10 0 (published 1980) PRICE £1.00 No. 6. The Smaller Moths of Essex by A. M. Emmet. The most detailed account of the smaller moths ever published for any British county. Distribution maps and details of over 1000 species.Illustrations of representative moths in each major group. ISBN 0 905637 11 9 (published 1981) PRICE £5.00 (reduced from £7.00). No. 7. Lords Bushes by M. W. Hanson. The history and ecology of an Epping Forest woodland. 69 page paperback with 8 pages of photographs and additionalline drawings. ISBN 0 905637 12 7 (published 1983) PRICE £3.00 No. 8. The Larger Moths and Butterflies of Essex by A. M. Emmet and G. A. Pyman. The companion volume to No. 6. Distribution maps for every species and a complete analysis of the changing butterfly and moth fauna of Essex. ISBN 0 905637 13 5 (published 1985) PRICE £6.00 (reduced from £9.00). No. 9. The Dragonflies of Essex by Dr Edward Benton. A very comprehensive and readable account of the county dragonfly fauna. It includes the results of a recent county-wide survey and much historical information. ISBN 0 905637 143 (published 1988) PRICE £5.95 No. 10. Essex Elm by M. W. Hanson. Elms were devastated by Dutch Elm disease. In this booklet Mark Hanson examines the role of elms in the landscape and their uses, and also gives an up-to-date account of their status in Essex today. 87 pages, 19 photographs,maps and illustrations.lSBN 0 905637 15 1 (published 1990) PRICE £3.95 No. 11. Epping Forest - through the eye of the naturalist edited by M. W. Hanson. A book chronicling the complex land-use history of Essex's most famous Forest with modern accounts of its flora and fauna. ISBN 0 905637 16 X (published 1992) PRICE £10 No. 12 Essex Naturalist No 12 (New series) - Journal edited by M. W. Hanson. ISSN 0071-1489, ISBN 0 905637-17-8 (published 1995) PRICE £5 No. 13. Essex Naturalist No 13 (New series) -Journal edited by P.R. Harvey & CW. Plant. ISSN 0071-1489 (published 1996) PRICE £5 OTHER The Clay Tobacco-pipe in Britain by L. S. Harley. 51 page paperback covering the history and identification of these pipes. Special attention is given to pipes made in Essex and East Anglia.ISBN 0 905637 00 3 (second edition 1976) PRICE £2.50. SPECIAL OFFER Volume 6 (The Smaller Moths) and Volume 8 (The Larger Moths and Butterflies) are available together for £9.00 post free. Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 23, November 1997