3 Great crested grebe Little grebe Cormorant Grey heron Mute swan Canada goose Brent goose Mallard Gadwall Wigeon Teal Shoveler Shelduck Tufted duck Pochard Red 1egged partridge Pheasant Moorhen Coot Oystercatcher Lapwing Grey plover Golden plover Curlew Black-tailed godwit Redshank Grey phalarope Lesser black-backed gull Herring gull Common gull Black-headed gull Feral pigeon Stock dove Wood pigeon Green woodpecker Skylark Swallow Meadow pipit Pied wagtail Starling Magpie Carrion crow Goldcrest Robin Blackbird Fieldfare Blue tit Great tit Goldfinch Reed bunting Yellowhammer Judith and Tony Boniface ESSEX FIELD CLUB DEER MEETING 25th OCTOBER 1997 A small group of Club members met at Tilty Hill Farm on a sunny Autumn afternoon. We settled down along the old mill stream of Tilty Mill to watch for deer along the valley and up into Tilty Hill Wood. The farmer was drilling winter wheat seed in the fertile valley bottom fields and apart from that it was a peaceful scene. As the sun went down a group of eight Fallow deer disturbed by the tractor and seed drill left the cover of a copse on the west side and we had a wonderful view of the group, three young bucks and five does. Three of the does were white the rest were normal spotted fallow. No Muntjac deer were seen although they do occur in the area. Two Grey squirrels were seen on the woodland edge and as dusk began to fall a flock of Wood pigeons began to circle down into the wood to roost. David Scott ..........................Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 24, February 1998 -----------------