7 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Field Club and other conservation bodies I welcome the letter in Newsletter No. 23 from Mr D.C. Bridges, Conservation Manager of the Essex Wildlife Trust, in reply to my comments on this subject. I am pleased that he shares my views on co-operation and the exchange of biological data. My criticism of the Trust, however, concerned the failure after 2 years to even acknowledge the receipt of a fairly comprehensive recording survey of Rushy Mead NR by Field Club members. Many unpaid hours were spent in the field and at the microscope to prepare a document listing a large number of insects, fungi, molluscs, etc., including some of Red Data Book status. Mr Bridges says in his letter: "I can confirm that the Trust has received the report and that the records therein have been added to the register for that reserve." The above words are unlikely to encourage Club members to do further work on Trust reserves if records are simply to be "added to the register" without comment. A word of appreciation would not have gone amiss. Perhaps the Trust has been somewhat taken aback by the presentation of a list of some 800 insects, mostly in Latin, and really does not know quite what to do with it. Biodiversity means just that, and so includes all orders, even the small unpopular creepy crawly things and the slimey ones. Full recording of as many species as possible, followed by interpretation, is essential for successful reserve management. At some stage a much closer working arrangement must be achieved between the managers of wildlife sites and those who have the expertise to record. I suspect that at present most Field Club members are unsure whether the Trust does in fact welcome recording on its reserves. If so, what should be recorded, and where? Some clarification would be helpful and could lead to closer co-operation. 1 am sorry if my comments appear to be "stirring up trouble", but we need to know where we stand, and unless volunteers are seen to be appreciated and can feel that their effort serves a worthwhile purpose, then the wildlife of Essex will suffer. Charles Watson WHATS ON: ESSEX F1ELD CLUB FEBRUARY Saturday7th General Meeting 1417. "WildlifeofLangdonHills". Talk by Rodney Cole at 3.00pm at Red Cross Hall, London Road, Chelmsford (car park entrance in Writtle Road). Sunday 15th Bird Group. Wintering birds hopefully including Short Eared Owls at Hamford Water. Meet at 10.30am at Little Oakley. TM 215284. Leaders Judith and Tony Boniface(01245)266316. Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 24, February 1998