8 NEW MEETINGS FOR MARCH, APRIL AND MAY1998 (The subsequent programme cards will run from June 1st to May 31st.) MARCH Sunday 1 st Sawbridgeworth Marsh Monthly Recording Meeting No.l Meet 10am bythe south entrance in Hallingbury Road TL493158. Nearby pub for lunch or bring sandwiches. The purpose of these meetings is to carry out species recording on this joint Essex Trust/Herts Trust nature reserve, all groups required. No leader - just turn up, join in and send species lists to Colin Plant as soon as possible. AGM 118. Red Cross Hall, London Road, Chelmsford (car park entrance in Writtle Road) at 3.00pm followed by Presidential address from Peter Allen "Recent Developments concerning the Geology of the Thames Terraces of South Essex." Joint Meeting with South Essex N.H.S. Mosses at Belfairs Wood Nature Reserve. Meet 10.30am at Warren Road entrance, signposts from Al3. TQ 821875. Leader Tim Pyner 01702 332425. Saturday 21st Sunday 29th APRIL Sunday 5th Saturday 18th Sunday 19th Sunday 26th MAY Sunday 3rd Saturday 9th Sunday 10th Saturday 16th Sunday 17th Sunday 31 st Sawbridgeworth Marsh Monthly Recording Meeting No.2 Details as No. 1. Send species lists to Colin Plant as soon as possible. Amphibians. Gardeningfor Amphibians. A visit to a garden in Basildon to see exotic frogs, toads and newts. Meet at 2.30pm. Phone John Dobson for details(01245)224408. Essex Fungi Group. Foray in Broak's Wood. Meet in car park at 10.30am, TL 786314. (Location between Braintree and Sible Hedingham). Leader Martin Gregory (01245)223300. Bird Group. Wat Tyler Country Park. Meet in car park at 10.00am, TQ 738864. Possibility of migrant warblers, bearded tits and water rail. (Location Pitsea area). Leader John Bath (01277) 651890. Sawbridgeworth Marsh Monthly Recording Meeting No.3 DetailsasNo. 1. Send species lists to Colin Plant as soon as possible. Joint Meeting with the Essex Spider Group. Recording of spiders and aculeates (bees and wasps). Meet 10.30am car park at Hanningfield Reservoir. TQ737976. Leader Peter Harvey (01375)371571. Recording of all groups at an MOD location Shoebury Beach if permission obtained. Phone Roger Payne (01702) 434449 to obtain details before 8th May. Botany Group BSBI Atlas 2000 recording meeting. Square TL62 Meet Little Easton Church TL 605234 at 10.30am. Leader Jeremy lson (01376) 345235. General Meeting 1418.BirdsandFloweringPlantsofEppingForest. Meet 10.00am at Bury Road car park TQ394949, near Chingford Station, opposite golf course. Leader Jeremy dagley 0181 -508 2266, An excellent opportunity to learn bird songs and calls. Botany Group. Black Poplar Search. Meet Writtle car park 10.30am. Leader Ken Adams 0181-5087863. Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 24, February 1998