10 ESSEX FIELD CLUB NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Annual General Meeting 118 will be held at the Red Cross Hall, London Road, Che" (car park entrance in Writtle Road), on Saturday 21 st March 1998 at 3 pm. AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence 2. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of 1997 3. Report of Council for 1997 4. Balance Sheet and Accounts for 1997 5. Election of Officers and Members of Council 6. Honorary Auditor 7. Any Other Business 8. Members'Notes and Exhibits 9. Presidential Address: "RecentDevelopments concerningthe Geology of the Thames Terraces of South Essex."by Dr Peter Allen. The Council's nominations for Officers and Council Members to fill vacancies of those retiring are as follows:- 1998-99 President Dr Peter Allen Vice-President Prof Ted Benton General Secretary Dr Jeremy Dagley Meetings Secretary Mr & Mrs Tony & Judith Boniface Membership Secretary Mr John Bath Minuting Secretary Vice-President Treasurer Mr John Bath Editor, Essex Naturalist Mr Colin Plant Editor, Newsletter Mr Peter Harvey Ordinary Members of Council Mr Charles Watson Any further nominations must be handed to the President in writing either before or at this meeting. All nominations are to be duly seconded. In the event of no further nominations being received, those nominated will be declared elected atthe Annual General Meeting. IMPORTANT: THIS ENTIRE NOTICE SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 24, February 1998