SUBSCRIPTION REMINDER As members will know, all subscriptions are due on the 1st January and the new subscription rates announced by the President in the August Newsletter are as follows: £10 for single membership, £12.50 for family membership (with one copy of publications), £5 for under-eighteens and £15 for libraries/societies. Many members with existing Banker's Orders have not yet remembered to complete a new one for the revised amounts. To avoid the problem of having to remember to pay each year, and the time and money wasted posting reminders to those who forget to send their subscriptions, all members are encouraged to use the Banker's Order form provided below. Please send your subscription as early as possible completing either the Banker's Order or Return Slip and send to The Hon. Treasurer Mr. John Bath, 34 Chestnut Ave., Billericay, Essex CM 12 9JF, enclosing your cheque if applicable. ESSEX FIELD CLUB - BANKER'S ORDER To: ................................................................................................. (Bank) ......................................................................................................... (Branch) Address: ...................................................................................................... Account Number: ..................................... Please pay Lloyds Bank Plc, Billericay (30-90-80), 89 High Street, Billericay, Essex CM12 9AT, for the credit of the Essex Field Club (Account 0630373) (on receipt of this order and thereafter*) until further notice at annual intervals on the first of January the sum of......... This order succeeds any existing order to the Essex Field Club which is hereby cancelled. Signed: ............................................................ Name: Mr./Mrs./Miss ........................................ Address: ........................................................................................................... *Delete if not applicable RETURN SLIP Name: Mr./Mrs./Miss............................................... Tel.No.. Address:...................................................................................................... Single Member Family Membership Under-eighteen Library/Soc I enclose a cheque made payable to Essex Field Club for £............. Details of Club membership are kept on computer disk. These records will be used solely for Club purposes. If you object to your membership details being stored in this way will you please advise the General Secretary in writing accordingly.