IN SEARCH OF OAKLEY OWLS (15th February 1998) Last year the Field Club observed at least six Short-eared owls on the Saltmarsh and neighbouring fields near Little Oakley. This year eight members of the Bird Group met on an extraordinary spring morning in mid-February after a week of very warm weather. We parked along a track bordering an orchard and were greeted by a Dunnock in full song. Along the path to the sea-wall we saw a group of Reed buntings. The muddy creeks in the Saltmarsh hosted Redshanks and some Curlews. Skylarks were conspicuous singing over the marsh. Shrubs along the wall contained Greenfinches aand Chaffinches. Lunch was taaken where a concrete sea wall began. A Cormorant was observed dryng its wings in company with an Oystercatcher and a Turnstone on a concrete block. Two Great crested grebes in the sea were beginning their display behaviour. We continued after lunch to a gravelly beach and inlet where many Brent geese, Oyster catchers and Grey plovers were roosting; Turnstone and Sanderling were feeding on the beach in the company of Ringed plovers. Some Twite were eventually identified by one member who stalked closer than the rest of us. The return journey led us to a Kestrel perched in a bush a few feet away from four Reed buntings. Finally the orchard revealed Fieldfares, a Redwing, Linnets, a Goldfinch and many Chaffinches and Greenfinches. A Robin sang as we prepared to leave, content, even though we had failed to locate the Oakley owls. Birds identified at Little Oakley 15th February 1998 Great crested grebe Little grebe Cormorant Mute swan Brent goose Mallard Wigeon Teal Tufted duck Shelduck Kestrel Red legged partridge Moorhen Coot Oyster catcher Lapwing Ringed plover Turnstone Sanderling Grey plover Curlew Redshank Great black-backed gull Lesser black-backed gull Black-headed gull Common gull Wood pigeon Collared dove Skylark (in song) Meadow pipit Jay Magpie Carrion crow Dunnock (in song) Robin (in song) Blackbird Redwing Fieldfare Blue tit Chaffinch Greenfinch Goldfinch Linnet Twite Green Woodpecker was heard Tony and Judith Boniface Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 25, May 1998