WHATS ON: ESSEX FIELD CLUB MAY Saturday 9th Sunday 10th Saturday 16th Sunday 17th Sunday 31 st JUNE Sat 6th Tue 9th Sun 14th Sun 21st Sat 27th Sun 28th JULY Sun 5th Sun 12th Sat 18th JOINT MEETING with the Essex Spider Group. Recording of spiders and aculeates (bees and wasps). Meet 10.30am car park at Hanningfield Reservoir. TQ737976. Leader Peter Harvey (01375) 371571. RECORDING OF ALL GROUPS at an MOD location Shoebury Beach if permission obtained. Phone Roger Payne (01702) 434449 to obtain details before 8th May. BOTANY GROUP BSBI Atlas 2000 recording meeting. SquareTL62. Meet Little Easton Church TL 605234 at 10.30am. Leader Jeremy Ison (01376)345235. GENERAL MEETING 1418. Birds and Flowering Plants of Epping Forest. Meet 10.00am at Bury Road car park TQ394949, near Chingford Station, opposite golf course. Leader Jeremy Dagley 0181-508 2266. An excellent opportunity to learn bird songs and calls. BOTANY GROUP Black Poplar Search. Meet Writtle car park 10.30am. Leader Ken Adams 0181-508 7863. MOTH GROUP Hitchcock Meadows Nature Reserve, near Danbury - a search for the Rosy Marbled moth. Meet 8 pm. Please contact leader in advance if planning to attend. Leader Geoff Pyman (01245) 222417. NB: The reserve Warden, Peter Scorcher, is willing to show anybody who wishes around the reserve - (01245) 226225. BIRD GROUP Evening walk along the Chelmer. Meet 7pm at TL763086. Leader David Williams (01245) 225119 REPTILES AND MARSH FROGS Hadleigh Country Park. Meet 9.45am at Chapel Lane Car Park, TQ 802868. Leader John Wright (01702)78409 BIRD GROUP Thrift Wood, Bicknacre for woodland birds and butterflies. Meet 10am at TL 790017. Leader John Bath (10277) 651890 BOTANY GROUP BSBI Atlas 2000 recording meeting - square TL62 Meet 11am at road junction near Poplar Farm, Lindsell, TL 651272. Leader Jeremy Ison (01376) 345235 GENERAL MEETING 1418 Ponds and More Ponds. Matching Green area. Meet 10.30am at TL 536111. Leaders Charles Watson and Shirley Watson (01279) 505309 BIRD GROUP Maldon Wick Old Railway Line. Meet 10.30am at entrance TL 842057. Leader Carole Wilken (01245) 450872 BOTANY GROUP BSBI Atlas 2000 recording meeting - square TL43, Arkesden and Wicken Bonhunt. Meet 10.30am outside church at TL 499332. Leader Tim Pyner (01702) 332425 BOTANY GROUP BSBI Atlas 2000 recording meeting - square TL63. Meet 11am at Great Bardfield village street by church, TL 678303. Leader Jeremy Ison (01376) 345235