JULY (cont.) Sun 19th GEOLOGY GROUP and Essex Rock and Mineral Society. Red Crag fossils at The Naze, Walton. Meet 10am outside the cafe near the tower - TM 265234. Bring a garden sieve. Leader Gerald Lucy (01799) 523310 Fri 24th MAMMAL GROUP Bat talk and walk. Meet 8.30pm at Hainault Country Park car park, TQ 478928. Leader John Dobson (01245)224408 AUGUST Sat 1 st BOTANY GROUP BSBI Atlas 2000 recording meeting - square TL53. Meet 11am at Debden Church, TL 551332. Leader Jeremy Ison (01376) 345235 Sat 8th MOTH GROUP Marks Hall Estate, Coggeshall. Meet 8pm. Please contact leader in advance if planning to attend. Leader Joe Firmin (01206)241389 Sun 9th BOTANY GROUP BSBI Atlas 2000 recording meeting - square TL78. Meet 11am, Bowers Gifford churchyard, TL 755872. Leader Ken Adams 0181-508-7863 Sat 15th GEOLOGY GROUP and Essex Rock and Mineral Society. Exotic boulders in Kesgrave Gravel and derived fossils in Boulder Clay at Roxwell Gravel Quarry. Meet 8.15am at Roxwell Road entrance, TL 653086. Leader Gerald Lucy (01799) 523310 Sun 16th FUNGUS GROUP Fungus foray in Epping Forest. Meet 10am Conservation Centre car park. Leader Geoffrey Kibby 0181-789-7664. It is hoped to have a display in The Warren in the aftrenoon. Sun 23rd BIRD GROUP Hanningfield Reservoir reserve. Meet 10 am at car park TQ 737976. Leaders Tony and Judith Boniface (01245) 266316. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE NEWSLETTER Please send contributions for the next Newsletter, due out in Aug./Sept., to the Editor, Mr Peter Harvey, 32 Lodge Lane, Grays, RM16 2YP by the end of July at the latest. Remember that the production of the Newsletter depends on contributions from members. Many members must have wildlife news, observations or the results of fieldwork that would be of interest to others-do not underestimate the interest of your own observations!! If text has already been typed on a standalone PC computer then a disk with the file would be very helpful but typed or handwritten notes are welcome. Deadline dates for the Newsletter each year January /February Newsletter: deadline - end of December April/May Newsletter: deadline - end of March August/September Newsletter: deadline - end of July October/November Newsletter: deadline - end of September Readers are advised thai publication of material in the Newsletter does not imply, unless indicated to the contrary, that the views and opinions expressed therein are shared by the editor or by the Council of the Essex Field Club.