The next four days saw breezy and rainy conditions which isn't good weather for butterflies, so as a result 1 observed no butterflies. The 19th April saw a turn around in the weather, now being warm, sunny and settled. This seemingly decent weather for butterflies only produced a single Red admiral at Bradwell. On the 22nd April I observed my first Large white butterfly of the year orbiting the hedgerow at the bottom of my garden. The brief spells of sunny weather have brought out a few butterflies. I hope these spells of warm, sunny weather continue so we can all enjoy the butterfly life around us. Geoffrey Wilkinson (15) INFORMATION ON FINDS IN CHELMSFORD AREA PERHAPS NOT YET RECORDED Viola odorata Spindle Butchers Broom 2 large stands at TL698069 1 large specimen in full bud at TL699069. Lower trunk frequently in river water, but it seems to have a good hold in river bank. Now in my garden (TL702074) bearing berries and flowers - several specimens having been rescued from a demolition site 5 or 6 years ago. Many specimens along Primrose Hill approx. TL702074. From the map readings it may be concluded that the area was perhaps well- wooded, certainly rural but now has 11-lane roadway! Very large stand at TL681111 on wide path leading from gravel pits onto the gateway to Chignall Road. Alkanet Primroses Bluebells Sulphur Clover Jenie Thom Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 26, August 1998