THE FLOWERS OF BELHUS WOODS COUNTRY PARK We, who live in Upminster, may not have easy access to the real countryside, but we are within close range of a number of excellent Country Parks. Amongst these are Thorndon Park, Weald Park, Hainault Forest, Langdon, Hornchurch, and Belhus Woods. Between them I believe that we have as much access to wildlife as - perhaps better than - the true country dweller. My favourite is Belhus Woods Country Park, which straddles the Havering - Thurrock border, and which has its main entrance just north of Aveley at TQ564826. Owned and managed by Essex County Council, it covers around 170 acres, and includes an interesting mixture of grassland, ponds, lakes, and bluebell woods. I have spent very many happy hours exploring all of these features, and have covered most of its nooks and crannies. Two years ago, partly to give some purpose to my wanderings, and partly to repay my pleasure, I decided to make a photographic survey of all the flowers within the Park's boundaries, mount the photographs, and present the result to the Head Ranger. This objective I achieved last Autumn, and the album is available at the Centre for anyone to peruse. The album contains photographs of 196 flowers - though 1 have already recorded three more this Spring. The photographs are limited to those flowers likely to interest the general public - which also coiTesponds with my own competance at identification. Cionsequently the only trees included are those with 'pretty' flowers, and there are no grasses, ferns, sedges or rushes. I would be delighted to be informed of any new finds within the Park's boundaries. A list of my findings follows:. Achillea millefolium Aesulus hippocastanatum Alisma plantago-aquatica Alliaria petiolata Allium ursinum Anagallis arvensis Anemone nemorosa Angelica sylvestris Anthriscus sylvestris Apium nodiflorum Arctium lappa Arctium minus Armoracia rusticum Artemisia vulgaris Arum maculatum Aster sp. Ballota nigra Barbarea vulgaris Bellis perennis Brassica nigra Bryonia dioica Calystegia sepium Capsella bursa-pastoris Cardamine hirsuta Cardamine pratensis Carduus acanthoides Centaurea nigra Centaureum erythraea Cerastium holosteoides Chamaenerion angustifolium Chenopodium album Chenopodium polyspermum Chenopodium rubrum Chrysanthemum leucanthemum Circaea lutetiana Cirsium arvense Cirsium palustre Cirsium vulgare Clematis vitalba Conium maculatum Conopodium majus Convulvulus arvesis Conyza rusticana Crataegus monogyna Crepis capillaris Dactylorchis fuchsii Dactylorchis praetermissa Daucus carota Digitalis purpurea Dipsacus fullonum Echium vulgare Endymion nonscriptus Epilobium adnatum Epilobium hirsutum Epilobium palustre Epilobium parviflorum Equisetum arvense Euonymus europaeus Eupatorium cannabinum Euphorbia amygdaloides Filipendula ulmaria Galega officinalis Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 26, August 1998