entrance TQ 583908. Leader Len Kirby (01277) 225163. WHATS ON: ESSEX FIELD CLUB (continued) SEPTEMBER cont. Sat 19th MOTH GROUP - County Moth Night Old waterworks site, Sandford Mill. Meet 8pm outside gate at TL 739063. Leader Tony Walentowicz (01245) 350016 Sat 26th GEOLOGY GROUP Geology in north-east Kent Meet 10am Sturry Station TR 178604, Leader Peter Allen - pleae telephone leader if attending (01992) 630661 Sun 27th FUNGUS GROUP Fungus foray at Woodham Walter Common and Little Baddow Heath. Meet 10.30am at entrance to Scrubs Wood TL 787057. Tea and display in St Andrews parish Room at 3pm TL 780075. Leader Martin Gregory (01245) 223300 OCTOBER 1998 Sun 4th FUNGUS GROUP Joint meeting with South Essex Natural History Society. Fungus foray in Belfairs Wood Nature Reserve. Meet 10.30am Warren Road entrance - signposts from A, 13 TQ 821875. Leader Stella Aber (01702) 470828 Sat 17th MAMMAL GROUP Deer watch in Tilty area. Meet 3pm at Foakes Hall car park, Stortford Road, Dunmow. Leader David Scott (01245) 361475 Sat 24th BIRD GROUP Paglesham and the River Roach Meet 10.30am near the footpath TQ 926926. Leaders Judith and Tony Boniface (01245) 266316 Sun 25th FUNGUS GROUP Fungus foray in Norsey Wood Meet 10.30am at Norsey Wood Centre TQ 690959. Leader Tony Boniface (01245) 266316 Sat 31 st FUNGUS GROUP Fungus foray in City of London Cemetery Meet 10am at main entrance in Aldersbrook Road, E12 TQ 418863. Leader Richard Baker NOVEMBER Sat 7th FUNGUS GROUP Fungus foray in churchyards around Chelmsford Meet 10.30am outside Broomfield churchyard TL706105. Leader Tony Boniface (01245) 266316 Sun 8th FUNGUS GROUP Fungus foray in East Donyland Woods, Mersea Road, Colchester. Meet 10.30am in lay-by at TM 011206. Leaders Ian Rose and Anne Guiver (01206) 392870. Sat 14th BIRD GROUP Shoebury East Beach for waders Meet 10,30am at George Street car park TQ 942848. Leader David Williams (01245) 225119 Sun 15th FUNGUS GROUP Fungus foray in Hockley Woods Meet 1 lam at car park by Bull public house TQ834925. Leader John Skinner (01702) 309270 Sat 28th GENERAL MEETING 1419 "FLORA OF ICELAND" Talk by Steve Prewer. 3pm at the Red Cross Hall, London Road, Chelmsford (car park entrance in Writtle Road) Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 26, August 1998