2 WANTED - AN INTELLIGENT MEMBER!!! Well, maybe. Or maybe the really intelligent ones will turn down this glorious offer of fame without fortune? Then again it will look good on your CV if you have such a thing. With this newsletter you should have received the latest copy of the Club's journal - the Essex Naturalist. I hope you like it; if not then blame the authors - I can only print what I receive! Back in 1996, Peter Harvey and myself felt strongly that we needed to revive the journal and restore it to its former position as a journal of respect carrying peer-reviewed papers as well as an annual section on reports. Not that there was anything at all wrong with the monograph series but we felt that there should be more opportunity for publishing shorter papers on Essex natural history. However, when we volunteered for the task we declared that it was only to get things going again - not a long term venture. Predictably, nobody volunteered to be editor so I did it again the following year and then again this year. Now it has to stop. I will NOT be editing the 1999 journal. This, as they say in all the best American war films, is not a drill!!! This is the real thing. I am now no longer editor. OK. We therefore need (no - YOU need) a new editor. With this in mind I thought it would be helpful to detail what is involved. Qualifications • A working knowledge of English grammar, punctuation etc. and an ability to spell correctly (English - not American!). If you have never heard of a split infinitive or a pendant participle then fear not - I will teach you, but you will need the basics. • A word processor or access to one - essential (anti-virus software strongly recommended). • A telephone. • E-mail address would be an advantage but is not critical. • A moderately strong personality - you may have to tell authors that their paper is no good/received too late/ etc. What you would have to do After the last Council meeting of the calendar year, check with the Treasurer (if you were not at the meeting yourself) to see how much money Council has allocated for the journal. Then contact Cravitz Printing to check price increases etc and decide on how many pages you can have in the journal. Chase and receive contributions. The first section of the journal is standard - just bully the nearest Council Member immediately after the AGM. Annual Report, Treasurer's Report, Recorders' Reports (you may have to chase some of these early in the year to get them on time). Presidents address. Some of these you may have to type to your computer. The second part contains peer-reviewed papers. You will need to chase potential authors of papers (not necessarily Club members) if you want a balance of botany, invertebrates, mammals or whatever. All papers must comprise material that is not already published elsewhere and is not being offered to another journal. All contributions must be acknowledged on Club note-paper within a few days. Start chasing in January or earlier. Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 27, November 1998