WHATS ON: ESSEX FIELD CLUB NOVEMBER Sat 7th FUNGUS GROUP Fungus foray in churchyards around Chelmsford. Meet 10.30am outside Broomfield churchyard TL706105. Leader Tony Boniface (01245) 266316 Sun 8th FUNGUS GROUP Fungus foray in East Donyland Woods, Mersea Road, Colchester. Meet 10.30am in lay-by at TM 011206. Leaders Ian Rose and Anne Guiver (01206) 392870 Sat 14th 225119 BIRD GROUP Shoebury East Beach for waders. Meet 10,30am at George Street car park TQ 942848. Leader David Williams (01245) Sun 15th FUNGUS GROUP Fungus foray in Hockley Woods. Meet 1 lam at car park by Bull public house TQ834925. Leader John Skinner (01702) 309270 Sat 28th GENERAL MEETING 1419 "FLORA OF ICELAND" Talk by Steve Prewer. 3pm at the Red Cross Hall, London Road, Chelmsford (car park entrance in Writtle Road) DECEMBER Sat 26th BOXING DAY RAMBLE Ramsden Heath and Kiln Common. 4 1/2 miles. Meet 11am in Mill Lane, Ramsden Heath (park carefully) TQ 708959. Leaders John and Maureen Tollfree (01708) 742206 JANUARY 1999 Sat 16th BOTANY GROUP Annual Meeting. Review of the year and planning for the next. Commence at 3pm in the Red Cross Hall, London Road, Chelmsford (car park entrance in Writtle Road) Sun 17th BIRD GROUP Stour Wood and River Stour for wintering birds. Meet 10.30am at reserve car park TM 189309. Leaders Judith and Tony Boniface (01245) 266316 Sat 23rd GENERAL MEETING 1420 "WILDLIFE OF TRINIDAD" Talk by Geoff Gibbs. Commence 3pm at the Red Cross Hall, London Road, Chelmsford (car park entrance in Writtle Road) Sat 30th FUNGUS GROUP Annual Meeting Meet 3pm at the home of Tony and Judith Boniface, 40 Pentland Avenue, Chelmsford, CM1 4AZ. Details from Tony and Judith on (01245) 266316 FEBRUARY Sat 13th GENERAL MEETING 1421 "MUD AND BOULDERS: THE ESSEX GEOLOGY COLLECTION AND ITS IMPORTANCE" Talk by Graham Ward. Commence at 3pm in the Red Cross Hall, London Road, Chelmsford (car park entrance in Writtle Road) Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 27, November 1998