One thing in favour of galls, they do not require expensive collecting equipment, a pair of secateurs can be a help for twiggy growths, a pair of scissors (less damage to the host plant), a couple of plastic bags and a guide book such as the Provisional Keys and/or Redfern and Asken's "Plant Galls". On Saturday 26th September, about seven members of the London Natural History Society (1 was one) attended a visit to Grays Chalk Pit, led by Jerry Bowdrey. A list of 27 galls was made for the day, which was fortunately dry and warm. Don't expect to equal that each time, but there is always the chance of a surprise or two. One thing I have learned over time, it is unwise to believe that a survey is exhaustive, something else is bound to turn up on another occasion. That's what makes natural history interesting! Keep looking and don't be discouraged. Jerry Bowdrey of Colchester Museum Resource Centre, 14 Ryegate Road, Colchester, will always be pleased to learn of your records. Until he knows your identification capabilities, it would be advisable to send specimens for confirmation first. Fresh in a plastic bag gives the best chance, I believe. Our list follows: On oak Cynips divisa (Hartig) Cynips quercusfolii (L.) - Cherry gall Neuroterus quercusbaccarum (L.) - Common spangle Neuroterus numismatis (Geoffroy) - Silk button spangle Neuroterus albipes (Schenk) - Smooth spangle Andricus anthracina (Curtis) - Oyster gall Andricus kollari (Hartig) - Marble gall Andricus quercuscalicis (Burgsdorf) - Knopper gall Andricus fecundator (Hartig) - Artichoke gall On Sycamore Artacris macrorhynchus (Nalepa) On Rose sp. Diplolepis rosae (L.) - Robin's pincushion Diplolepis rosarum (Giraud) - Spined pea gall Diplolepis eglanteriae (Hartig) - Smooth pea gall On Viola sp. Dasineura affinis (Kieffer) On willow sp. Rhabdophaga marginemtorquens (Bremi) Rhabdophaga heterobia (F. Low) Iteomyia capreae (Winnertz) Pontania viminalis (L.) On Stinging nettle Dasineura urticae (Perris) On Blackthorn Eriophyes similis (Nalepa) Eriophyes padi (Nalepa) Pristiphora monogyniae (Hartig) On Hawthorn Eriophyes goniothorax (Nalepa) On Dogwood Craneiobia corni (Giraud) On Alder Eriophyes inangulis (Nalepa) On Beech Hartigiola annulipes (Hartig) On Hazel Phytoptus avellanae (Nalepa) References Redfern, Margaret & Asken, RR. Plant Galls. Naturalists Handbook series No. 17. Richmond Publishing Co. Ltd., P.O.Box 963, Slough, SL2 3RS. (£9-61 incl. p&p) Stubbs, F.B. (Editor) Provisional Keys to British Plant Galls. Obtainable at £4.50 from Peter Shirley, 72 Dagger Lane, West Bromwich, West Midlands B71 4BS. Ken Hill Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 28, February 1999