5 Bird Group Meeting to Hanningfield Reservoir, 23rd August 1998 Three members of the Field Club met at the reserve on a day that began dry and stayed that way to the end of the meeting in the afternoon. We started by watching a female Garganey at close quarters opposite the warden's hut. This was certainly our best view yet of this rather secretive duck. Other ducks seen included two Pintail and two female Red crested pochard amongst the more usual inhabitants. Waders were few in number including some Lapwings and a single Common sandpiper. Migrants were still to be seen, and we recorded Common terns, Swallows and House martins over the water, with a fleeting glimpse of a Chiff-chaff/Willow warbler in the woodland which was too brief to see its leg colour. We were surprised at the large number of herons standing around, collectively known as a sedge of herons. On returning from the bird hides where we had seen large numbers, if not a great variety of birds, we met the warden, Claire Cadman, who told us that Stan Hudgell had just found some interesting plants on a bank of top soil cleared from the temporary car park and laid along the edge of the field. We went to admire the rare sight of Corn cockle Agrostemma githago and Purple bugloss Echium plantagineum in full bloom. Presumably the seeds had lain dormant from days of previous cultivation as it seems unlikely that someone had scattered the seeds deliberately. Birds recorded Great crested grebe Little grebe Cormorant Grey heron Mute swan Canada goose Greylag goose Mallard Gadwall Pintail Teal Garganey Shoveller Red crested pochard Tufted duck Pochard Moorhen Coot Lapwing Common sandpiper Lesser black-backed gull Black-headed gull Common tern Wood pigeon Swallow House martin Pied wagtail Common crow Willow warbler/Chiffchaff Blue tit Great tit Long tailed tit Ruddy duck NB The Paglesham meeting on 24th October 1998 was abandoned due to persistant heavy rain. Tony and Judith Boniface ----------------------------- Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 28, February 1999----------------------------