6 Some observations of plants at Walnut Tree Farm pit and Roxwell pit 1998 A couple of miles outside Chelmsford there are quite a few gravel pits. Some of the disused pits have been turned into fishing pits. This seems to be good for wildlife as the fishing clubs leave areas of thicket and grassland. At Walnut Tree Farm pit I have found forty-four flowering spikes of Pyramidal orchids and three spikes of Common broomrape. On the grassy sloping sides of the pit three hundred Bee orchids grow in large groups. Common spotted orchid also grow on the pit sides and my dad and I located over two hundred. Other plants that grow in good numbers include Hop trefoil and Bird's foot trefoil. The County Council-owned wood on the side of the pit contains plants like Wood spurge, Bluebell, Wood anemone and Pignut. Wild service trees grow at the edge of the wood. At Roxwell pit my dad and I recorded fourteen Pyramidal orchids and over one hundred Bee orchids. Common blue fleabane grows along-side a few spikes of Yellow-wort. Perforate St. John's wort grows well in most areas of the pit. Common centuary and Hop trefoil grow sparsely throughout the pit area. Geoffrey Wilkinson (15) ---------------------------- Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 28, February- 1999-----------------------------