WHATS ON: ESSEX FIELD CLUB FEBRUARY Sat 13th GENERAL MEETING 1421 "MUD AND BOULDERS: THE ESSEX GEOLOGY COLLECTION AND ITS IMPORTANCE" Talk by Graham Ward. Commence at 3pm in the Red Cross Hall, London Road, Chelmsford (car park entrance in Writtle Road). MARCH Sat 13th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 119. Commence at 3pm in the Red Cross Hall, London Road, Chelmsford (car park entrance in Writtle Road. The AGM will be followed by the Presidential Address from Professor Ted Benton on "BUMBLEBEES IN ESSEX". Sat 20th BIRD GROUP Rookery Survey. Meet 10am near Felstead Church TL676204. Leaders Judith and Tony Boniface (01245) 266316. Sat 27th GENERAL MEETING 1422 Nazeing Walk. Meet 11am at the Sun Inn TL420066 (Lifts could be arranged). Leader Irene Buchan 0181-5296423 APRIL Sat 10th BIRD GROUP Rookery survey. Meet 10am opposite the Viper public house, Mill Green TL641018. Leader David Williams (01245) 225119. Sun 11th GENERAL MEETING 1422 Spring flowers in Gibcracks Wood area. Meet 10.30am at entrance to track TL 763028. Limited parking space - lifts could be arranged. Leader Tony Boniface (01245)266316. Sat 17th AMPHIBIANS in Epping Forest Ponds. Meet 10am Conservation Centre carpark. Leader David Scott (01245) 361475. MAY Sat 8th BOTANY GROUP Plants of Warley Place. Meet 10.30am at reserve car park TQ 583908. Leaders Ailsa Wildig (01245) 248253 and Tim Pyner. Sat 15th BIRD GROUP Thorndon Park. Meet 10am at reserve centre car park TQ608916. Leader John Bath (01277) 651890. Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 28, February 1999