15 by Jon Clifton of Anglian Lepidopterist Supplies, allowing useful feedback from those carrying out the fieldwork to those designing and supplying materials. This stimulating meeting was a great success, well-organised and friendly. It provided an outstanding example of what can be achieved when interested people work collectively. The events organisers, in particular' Brian Goodey (Essex Moth Group) and Bob Gooding and the caterers deserve praise and thanks for the success of the day. The excellent venue provided by the Tendring Hundred Water Services company PROPOSED NEW INVERTEBRATE GROUP A new group has been suggested by Nigel Cumings and Jerry Bowdrey, which would take as its model the Moth Group (see account of its annual meeting elsewhere this edition), but would bring together all people interested in recording the many other invertebrates, from spiders to hoverflies, woodlice to galls. The proposal is for the group to be affiliated to both the Colchester Natural History Society and the Field Club, as is the current Moth Group. This proposal is yet to be fully considered by the councils of both clubs but it is hoped that it will win their backing as it fulfills many of the needs identified by both clubs. It is hoped the group would act as an umbrella group, encouraging networking amongst recorders, allowing the exchange of information and data and providing the basis for coordinated surveys of target sites, such as nature reserves where management plans are up for review. It is hoped that if the idea receives widespread support that an inaugural autumn/winter meeting could be held to launch the group, review the 1999 field season and plan for coordinated surveys. If you are interested in this proposal could you let Jeremy Dagley (address on Programme card) or Jerry Bowdrey (01206 282936 - Colchester Museum) know of your thoughts and ideas. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE NEWSLETTER Please send contributions for the next Newsletter, due out in August, to the Editor, Mr Peter Harvey, 32 Lodge Lane, Grays, RM16 2YP by the end of July at the latest. If text has already been typed on a standalone PC computer then a disk with the file would be very helpful but typed or handwritten notes are welcome. Deadline dates for the Newsletter each year January/February Newsletter: deadline - end of December April/May Newsletter: deadline - end of March August/September Newsletter: deadline - end of July October/November Newsletter: deadline - end of September Readers are advised that publication of material in the Newsletter does not imply, unless indicated to the contrary, that the views and opinions expressed therein are shared by the editor or by the Council of the Essex Field Club. Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 29, May l999